
Summary Of The Story 'Everything Will Be Okay'

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Summary Of The Story 'Everything Will Be Okay'
It might seem like “Everything Will Be Okay” and “Raymond’s Run” are very different kinds of stories. One is a nonfiction autobiographical story about a boy, while the other is a short story about a girl. However, if you look a little closer, you will see that both stories actually share a common theme. In both stories the authors teach us that it is important to have the courage to be an individual.

In “Everything Will Be Okay”, by James Howe, the author shows us that you can be whoever you want to be even if things are in your way. Towards the beginning of the story, James states in the article, “ I try not to think about this...I want my father to like me… I don’t want to kill animals”. This proves that he is very passionate about animals. However, what I think this really means is that he’s afraid his father won’t like him, so he isn’t being himself. Also, at the very end of the story the article says, “ I think the tears that jam back into my body are going to kill me… I won’t let them out… I won’t let Paul see. This quote from the article shows that James doesn’t want to be himself because he is afraid of what Paul will think of him. It also shows that he really cares about being a “man” because of his family’s
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One example is when the article states, “You’d think they’d know better than to encourage that kind of nonsense.” This quote from the article shows that Squeaky’s parents don’t appreciate her for her, but most importantly it shows that Squeaky cares about what her family thinks of her. Another example that shows that you should be an individual even in the toughest times is when the article states, “...she nods to congratulate me, then she smiles,...and I smile back.” This quote shows that it takes courage to be yourself because towards the beginning of the story Gretchen and Squeaky hated each other's guts, so it took her a lot of courage to smile

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