
The Power Of Love In The Great Gatsby

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The Power Of Love In The Great Gatsby
December 10, 2012

Money can’t buy you love.
In the “Great Gatsby” money and love had a significance part throughout the book with just about every character in it. We learn of many relationships that have been based on lies with the power of money behind them the whole time. Money buys many things in this book. From lavish lifestyles to meaningless property, trophy wives to nightlife parties. It was a time when people were trying to live the American Dream, so wealth and success meant everything. As a result of this so called dream, the main characters became blinded by their greed. James Gatz was a poor boy growing up on a farm in North Dakota. “His parents were shiftless and unsuccessful farm people-his imagination never
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He earned his money through illegal business practices and even went as far as buying a mansion right across the waters from where Daisy lived (78). Gatsby would spend the summer nights hosting lavish parties at his palace hoping that his love, Daisy, would just walk right through the door. However, she never came. Gatsby became impatient and decided to work up a plan to get to see Daisy. He picked up Nick one morning in his big, shiny, expensive car and demanded he have lunch with him. It was then that he started the lies on his upbringings and recent life events. He told him he was educated at Oxford as it’s a family tradition and that he was the son of some wealthy people in the middle west, but they are all dead now (65). “My family all died and I came into a good deal of money” (65). He was letting Nick know all this so that it would get to Daisy, and she would rethink her love for Tom. When Daisy and Gatsby eventually meet after all these years, Daisy was very happy to see him. But she was in awe when being shown around his mansion, and even more enticed when seeing his very expensive shirts he had. Daisy bent her head into the shirts and cried. “They’re such beautiful shirts” she sobbed “It makes me sad because I’ve never seen such-such beautiful shirts before”. It was as if once again, wealth was in the picture and in Daisy’s

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