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Karessa Hinton
Dr. Nancy S. Corbett
English 102
17 October 2014 An Epiphany of Who I Am

As a child I grew up telling myself and everyone else that I never wanted to get married and have children. I watched my mother get married and divorced twice and seen what kind of pain that inflicted on her and us kids. I thought that I would be a better person if I stayed single and didn’t have any kids to worry about. Of course I fell in love early in adulthood and decided to have children. A few years later my fear of becoming like my mother in the aspect of marriage, divorce and having kids came alive. I felt like such a fool for allowing that to happen to me. Usually by the time I get home from work and picking up the kids, it is late and I do not feel like taking the time to actually cook a meal. One evening we got home earlier than we usually do so I decided to fix dinner, sit down and actually eat as a family. I can remember myself standing in front of the stove thinking of the frustrating long day of work I had, getting aggravated because the kids were running around the house. The kids were playing and being loud which is what a 4 year old boy and 4 year old girl would do. Then it suddenly becomes quiet and Patrick comes to me and says “Mommy, you know what?” I say with an annoyed tone of voice “What Patrick?” He says “your superman.” I picked him up and gave him a big hug. In that moment I realized that out of all that has happened to me in my life, I am truly grateful that I have my children and that I am actually a better person because God brought them into my life.

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