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Workplace Communication Comparison

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Workplace Communication Comparison
University of Phoenix Material

Workplace Communication Comparison

Complete the following matrix. For each communication method, list its purpose in the workplace, whether it is a technical or expository form of written communication, and why you classified it as such.

|Written communication method |Purpose in the workplace|Technical or expository|Why the classification was chosen |
| | |writing | |
|E-mail |Either to inform or make|Can be either. |It depends on who they are being written |
| |a request | |to and for what it is being written. |
|Memo |Either to inform |Technical and |This is because the memo is about a policy|
| |employees and or |expository |change and would both explain and state |
| |co-workers about changes| |this change. |
|Letter |Can be used to commutate|expository |This is chosen since a letter is sent to |
| |outside of the business | |an outside business and it is going to |
| | | |either try and sell something or explain |
| | | |about it. |
|Manual |Training material |Technical |This is because a manual is explaining how|
| | | |to fix something and how to use the |
| | | |product. |
|Website |Company internet and |Technical and |This is both since the internet is |
| |also intranet provides |expository |marketing the product and the intranet is |
| |information about the | |used in for employees only. |
| |company | | |
|Other- poly-com |Used to communicate |Technical |This is used to speak with co-workers on |
|We use this at my work. |between co-workers | |quick fixes. |

Answer the following questions:

• What is the most common form of written communication in your workplace or in a workplace with which you are familiar? Is expository writing or technical writing the most common form of written communication in this workplace? Who is responsible for most of the technical writing in this workplace? The most common form of written communication at my work is email. As a matter of fact we use it to communicate between employees at our support office and also in the field at the dental offices. This is a combination of both expository writing and also technical since there are times that an email is just telling about a change where there are also times that we are explaining what needs to be done. There is not one said person that is in charge of the technical writing at work we all seem to do a little bit of it.

• What are some common issues you have seen with written communication in the workplace? I would have to say that an issue I see a lot of is that an email is sent and it has too much information in it and when you’re super busy it is hard to just take the time to read it. I myself have a tendency when I send an email to put what the subject is in the subject line of the email since this is the first thing that a reader sees. • How can an organization benefit from well-written communication? If an organization has a well-written form of communication it will help to make sure that what is being communicated is done correctly and understood which will cut down on the questions being raised after the fact.

• How do written communication skills differ from verbal communication skills? What are the challenges a skilled verbal communicator might encounter when performing technical writing? With verbal communication skills you can just say whatever comes to your mind whereas with written one needs to think about what is being said and how. A challenge for a skilled verbal communicator could be that they are so use to speaking they will leave out important information in written for so they will need to make sure they do a lot of checking what is being written.

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