
Why Would The Nazis Keep Sobibor A Secret?

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Why Would The Nazis Keep Sobibor A Secret?
"I polished SS boots as dying people screamed" (Blatt, Thomas) Sobibor was one of the concentration camps that was demolished and burnt down to cover it up so no one knew about it and people wouldn’t believe the survivors. Sobibor was one of the most secreted concentration camp. From the time people began arriving there, life was very hard, which lead to an uprising of the prisoners.
What is Sobibor? Sobibor was a concentration camp during the Holocaust. Sobibor was the Nazis best kept secret. Sobibor was only in operations for 18 months from March 1942 to October 1943. At least 250,000 men, women, and children were murdered at sobibor with the gas chambers. Only 48 Sobibor prisoners survived the war. Why would the Nazis keep Sobibor a secret? The Nazis would keep it a secret since it was the gruesome of all the concentration camps. Created: 01/17/2017 02:21 PM
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To get to Sobibor Jews came by lorry, cart, foot, and many by train. A lorry was was a truck. Some camp prisoners wore blue jumpsuits to help other Jews off the train. Women and children were taken to the bath house and men were taken to work. The bath house are the gas chambers. Why wouldn't they just have the children work at the camp and take the men and women to the bath house? Created: 01/17/2017 02:31 PM The victims would not realize that this moment would be there last time to speak to one another. If the camp needed to replenish it workers then the guards would shout out tailors, seamstresses, blacksmiths and carpenters. Why wouldn't the victims realize since they saw fences and the guards yanking them off the trains when they wouldn't come down fast. Created: 01/19/2017 01:46

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