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Wedding Dance

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Wedding Dance
Epic Smile
Time slows; then stops.
You have an epic smile, shining brightly to challenge the sun.

You laugh with your soul, eyes sparkling in the light.
You have an epic smile, one I will never forget.

My heart leaps at your voice, a smile shattering the gloom of life.
You have an epic smile, brighter than a thousand suns.

I will think of you often, though truthfully I already do.
You have an epic smile, my muse, one that will always be with me.

By: Brian Hinckley

(Metrical Tale)
A love like mine
I never understood the fatal brutality of life when it came down to. I figured that it’s a course that everyone goes thru. Not the words that are spoken or the soft song that is sung...But the fear of letting go of a love like mine. The tears may fall and the feeling will boil but a love like mine can never be spoiled...I’m a woman with respect and honorable joy. A love like mine can never be played with like an old broken toy. I’m a chick from the ghetto and a love from the country I’m here to tell you being in love is good for your health ...Don’t over do it make sure its right because a love like mine would never go on strike. I’m classy, sassy, never have never been called nasty...The love from a women’s heart is most adored and never broken apart. Times we shared doing you right the times you should adore by making love right. I’m going to close this of saying a love like mine isn’t a love like yours we all love different so how do you love?

By: Talema Lawrence

Africa Child
Born in distress to parents of stress
Raised careless, trained fearless
Anything can happen, every road is cursed
Behold, be strong, be bold we are told or you be next
Our world is the fit survives quest
No plans, no dreams, no ambitions to be best
It’s a war zone, we are pests*
Hated and slaved but doomed not to protest
One day God will put us through the tests
Maybe then Africa Child may grow tired and wild

Wild to tear apart what and who keeps his head low
Wild to tear apart with his arrow and bow
Wild to tear apart his worry and foe
Never regretting never willing to let go
But must let go for this world is not a hell hole
For two wrongs do not make the right glow
Our forgiveness makes our goodness flow
Our world the world. The world our world. More of it we must know
To assimilate ways to love to bond and to grow
Someday then Africa child may go with nature's tide and be less vile

A tide so full of virtue and loving kindness
A tide so pure of good intentions and Godly brightness
A tide so enjoying and satisfying it’s priceless
A tide to yearn to witness with kindred and mistress
A tide of guiltlessness and fearlessness
Come aboard Africa Child lets liberate to the heavens
Where we are assured of new beginnings
Free from our programmed teachings
And open to become new beings
Surely there African Child may live true life and be the true vine

By: Tekpor Raxzi

Forbidden Forest
With a door crowned with fragile tapeline

Which can be open with horrific biro key

Full of dreadful existing suspense

Coyly smiling to cities

Like a chameleon in the garden of colorful roses

A yard with fruit of saddened joy

Leading saint to the county of chaos

With a bridge that doesn’t reject foots

How I wish you never knock at my villa

So to live in there with righteous heart

You presence

Unveil sudden timing eternity

What a wish I wouldn’t have dreamt forbidden forest.

By: Odesola Akintunde


Beauty is liberal as the heavenly air,
Beauty is boundless as the universe:

The waves of evil ponderously immerse
The pearl of good; beauty is everywhere.

Beauty is a devout a deep despair;
Hopes that with heaven's highest stars converse:

The poisonous blossom of a devil's curse;
The first and last word of an angel's prayer.

Creation and destruction at thy beck
Call love and lust: through battle's bloody swarm
That youth with smiling face sees but thy form:
And, 'mid the shrieks of the fast sinking wreck,
A poet, standing on the wave-washed deck,
Stares awe-struck at the beauty of the storm.

(Elegy)Another Elegy | | | | This is what your dying looks like.You believe in the sun. You believeI don't love you. Always be closing,Said our favorite professor beforeHe let the gun go off in his mouth.I turned 29 the way any man turnsIn his sleep, unaware of the earthMoving beneath him, its plates inTheir places, a dated disagreement.Let's fight it out, baby. You haveOnly so long left. A man turnsIn his sleep, so I take a picture.He won't look at it, of course. It'sHis bad side, his Mr. Hyde, the holeIn a husband's head, the OOf his wife's mouth. Every night,I take a pill. Miss one, and I'm gone.Miss two, and we're through. HotelsBore me, unless I get a mountain view,A room in which my cell won't work,And there's nothing to do but seeThe sun go down into the groundThat cradles us as any coffin can. | |


Pray loudly against the noise of the human hand
Which seeks to drown you out?
And appear on quiet soles
So that we might understand your footsteps
Exert yourself
In order to recognize our prayers
Even when they appear in a different garment
Because no prayer ever looses itself from the source of the one praying
Take up the speech
By which i pray to you
Grant me the gestures
Which have grown within me in your absence?
So that I might remain true to my uneducable nature
And take your weakness upon me
You should always wander and never let yourself
Settle down
Because there are no longer any dwelling places
Only footsteps
Be loud and penetrating
Sympathize with me and my stirrings
Lead me
All the way to your bread
So that my word might wake

Take Me Home
Take me home
Take me home
Take me home Lord God
Take me home

She broke my heart
And it won't mend
I say please Lord God
Let it end

Take me home
Take me home
Take me home Lord God
Take me home

Was it all
Just a lie
I say please Lord God
Let it die

Take me home
Take me home
Take me home Lord God
Take me home

Why she left
I don't know
I say please Lord God
Let it go

Take me home
Take me home
Take me home Lord God
Take me home

So Says the Boss
I'm the boss
You do not cross
The king of my domain
For the day
No work, all play
Is found in my refrain

Love to eat
The prime of meat
So sad 'til I get some
'Tis so sweet
And such a treat
Boy, they can be so dumb

Hate to dress
Give me caress
No bother with the slime
Have to dig
In it real big
Archaeology time

When I'm beat
I have a seat
Take my favorite spot
No compete
It's so complete
Out of my royal cot!

Here to stay
I love to lay
Napping is not a farce
I'm a dog
Who's a couch hog
So move your big fat arise!

The melodrama of labour,
The menace of failure
The determination to achieve,
To make one believe
That success can be near,
Turns down the failure-fear
And a step you advance, success seems to cling
Give more thrust and advance, And you find yourself in success ring.

Success succumbs to the brave,
Cowards fear success break
Paradoxically the want is universal
Made by planned series of rehearsals.

How many can cut the joy of enjoying?
Or learn enjoying in the work?
How many can realize the joy is work?
And learn working without end?

Complacence succumbs to success,
But significant is its degree
So calls for success after success,
Ongoing till breath can be!

Falls to be without distress,
And success to be without rest
Just as Nature weaves the flowers,
Without heed to the whither-showers.

Success is all pervasive,
Success: light or massive
Success is sugar of life,
The sprout of Success is bright.

No onset, No end,
Success has in its blend
Image of one’s deity
And gratefulness for complacence.

This is the tale of life,
This is the consent of joy & spice
From a success in having breaths
To an all successful life!

Broken without you bleed out my love, see me all alone, without you at home, breath me in, like i breath you in, sleep next to me, make the stars fall on us tonight, the wind blows the sweet words you have whisperd everynight, you are so far away, let the ocean brease bring me where im supposed to be, the place of my dreams, iis where you are right now, i miss everything about you, the smile, the kiss, the eyes that shined brighter than the moon, broken as i am without you near, all these years, i'm without you here, sadness has taken over over my shattered soul, it's like a nightmare, suffering for you to come back, all i know there will be no hope, i close my eyes, i see your eyes, it makes me smile, with tears in running down, pictures of you, bring back the memory's come to life,

it makes me swear i will never forget you, as the time passes by, my love grows, for every single moment i spend without you, sometimes i wish i could fly, to where you are, but i realise, the is no such thing as flying, i lost my hopes, i lost my dream, i lost my soul, i lost you, the day has come, my mind has turned upside down, i can't take this anymore, i want you back, i stand here with noway back, i will come for you, i let go, i turn arround, i loose the ground, now i do belive in flying, when im on my way of dying, i hit the street ground hard, but not as hard as the pain that was hitting me inside, i found my way back to you, with a surprise, my dearest love you are back in my arms, forever is this moment now, our souls drawn together, now we shall rest our eyes, stay by my side, over the starlight sky's.

A fools mind

We all stand alone
Every woman, man, child
It's in the nature of things
Even with loved ones a side us
We are alone
And when you except this with a very heavy heart
It's easy to move forwards
Knowing the only one to blame, trust, depend on , is in the end yourself.
Because at the end of it all you make your own path in this existence we call life
Ergo when it goes wrong it's your fault
Read the signs presented before you
Act before others can
Trust no one
Simple rules to survive by
And when you have dragged yourself kicking and screaming towards the final day
Look back,
You will see nothing
As nothing else remains
Loves lost
Friends gone
Soul mates vanished
What a joke
What a farce
What a waste
Where's the reset button when you need one?


My Dearest Love-Relieve This Pain! My dearest love your presence erases my pain
Stay with me until my last breath- relieve this pain!
Your loving charm touches my soul from days of old
Now I will need your charming kiss-relieve this pain!
Your elegant grace has filled this place from the start
Charms from your heart will be with me-relieve this pain!
The touch of your fingers I always remember
Touch my face once more; as it rains-relieve this pain!
The beauty of your smile has set my mind wild
Once more whisper words in my ears-relieve this pain!
Like a butterfly release me from this cocoon
I will await you one noon day-relieve this pain!
Alas, the bliss of your kiss I will surely miss
Your love Joseph, your kiss will miss-relieve this pain!

Ballad of the Gibbet

Brothers and men that shall after us be,
Let not your hearts be hard to us:
For pitying this our misery
Ye shall find God the more piteous.
Look on us six that are hanging thus,
And for the flesh that so much we cherished
How it is eaten of birds and perished,
And ashes and dust fill our bones’ place,
Mock not at us that so feeble be,
But pray God pardon us out of his grace.
Listen we pray you, and look not in scorn,
Though justly, in sooth, we are cast to die;
Ye wot no man so wise is born
That keeps his wisdom constantly.
Be ye then merciful, and cry
To Mary’s Son that is piteous,
That his mercy take no stain from us,
Saving us out of the fiery place.
We are but dead, let no soul deny
To pray God succor us of His grace.
The rain out of heaven has washed us clean,
The sun has scorched us black and bare,
Ravens and rooks have pecked at our eyne,
And feathered their nests with our beards
And hair.
Round are we tossed, and here and there,
This way and that, at the wild wind’s will,
Never a moment my body is still;
Birds they are busy about my face.
Live not as we, not fare as we fare;
Pray God pardon us out of His grace.
Prince Jesus, Master of all, to thee
We pray Hell gain no mastery,
That we come never anear that place;
And ye men, make no mockery,
Pray God, pardon us out of His grace.


Submitted by: Via Grace R. Imbo

Submitted to:
Ms. Apple May Tañega

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