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Vccvb Cv
Lainelyn B. Quila CEE12
October 11, 2012 Ms. Karol Valinton

Anti- Homosexual Relationship Let us take a bold step into our future of human race; I honestly believe that homosexual relationships should not be allowed in this country at all. Things like this had been going on long enough. Being able to express love for another by entering an intimate relationship is what we consider as something that the majority of us take for granted. Why is this kind of relationship had become acceptable anyway? Though it is never legalized, still this is prominent in our society. Are we not awake to the fact that this impures not only the way of the society but also our inner identity as Christians? This had been a big transgression and lunacy. Our country is composed of diverse people who hold countless different systems, faiths and ways of life. The debate over homosexual relationship has been an eminent issue in the society over many years from now and never been settled. This idea of allowing two people of the same gender or sex to enter from romantic and sexual relationship has brought out drastic emotions and reactions from many different groups of people. Going back to the basic, many religious and social conservatives believe that homosexuality is a mental illness caused exclusively by psychological or spiritual factors and that all homosexual persons could change their orientation if they tried hard enough. This is, in fact, should be widely accountable as a form of immorality, for in this world only relationships among opposite sex is legally acceptable. This is a disgrace in our culture. Living in a Christian country and a Christian world, predominantly form a Christian based faith, from the eye of God this is a dishonor oh his creations. A real Christian cannot be a practicing homosexual-- engaged in a "divinely forbidden evil”. Religions have had differing views about love and sexual relations between people of the same sex. It is believed that this is done under illicit lust rather than of love which makes it religiously sinful. Most religious conservatives view homosexual behavior as an abnormal, unnatural, chosen and changeable disorder, condemned by God, which has serious negative moral implications. If this is believed to be condemned by God, what more for those who are having homosexual relationship? There are even cases on record a marriage license was issued to persons of the same sex. Based from Dr. Strauss’ words, a professional theologian, “However, to call a union of two persons of the same sex a "marriage" is a misnomer. In the Bible, marriage is a divinely ordered institution designed to form a permanent union between one man and one woman for one purpose (among others) of procreating or propagating the human race. That was God's order in the first of such unions (Genesis 1:27, 28; 2:24; Matthew 19:5). If, in His original creation of humans, God had created two persons of the same sex, there would not be a human race in existence today. The whole idea of two persons of the same sex marrying is absurd, unsound, ridiculously unreasonable and stupid. A clergyman might bless a homosexual marriage but God won't.” He gave a religious definition of a marriage; it is much more than a religious ceremony; it has civil aspects. Some lesbians seek marriage so that they can raise their own children; some gay males seek marriage with the goal of forming a family and adopting one or more children. But Dr. Strauss would seem to imply that a marriage between a man and woman is invalid if either of the spouses is infertile. That is an insult to many millions of heterosexual couples. According to the site “”, there are some health risks to discuss if you are involved in a same sex relationship. Mainly, you need to be aware of the same STD risks that heterosexual men and women deal with. There are no diseases that result from being gay, but there are some other health risks that tend to be more prevalent in the LGBTQ community that you should be aware of.
For men who have sex with men: * Higher rates of STDs, Hepatitis and HIV/AIDS(the rate of HIV diagnoses is 44 times the rate of HIV diagnoses of other men) * Higher risk of depression * More likely to use tobacco or drugs
For women who have sex with women: * Higher risk of obesity, heart disease, depression * More likely to use tobacco and drink * Higher risk for breast, cervical, uterine, and ovarian cancer * Higher risk of STDs

The bottom line is, same sex relationship is not just all fun and games. There would be high rate of criticisms, risks and discriminations needed to be handled than that of emotional, spiritual and physical happiness. This may not be observed right away, but in time, much of this will occur. This, I conclude that, it is not rightful to accept this relationship; evidently, it only causes sufferings and violence to humanity, that eventually will ruin the growth of the society.


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