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The Glass Managerie

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The Glass Managerie
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1. Where does Tom work?
(A) At a pharmacy
(B) At a shoe warehouse
(C) At a flower shop
(D) For a newspaper

2. What does Tom like to write?
(A) Poetry
(B) Musical librettos
(C) Journalistic dispatches
(D) Bad checks

3. Where does The Glass Menagerie take place?
(A) Cleveland
(B) New York City
(C) Mississippi
(D) St. Louis

4. At the beginning of the play, where is Laura supposedly attending classes?
(A) At a language school
(B) At a business college
(C) At a dance academy
(D) At a high school

5. The Glass Menagerie is a “memory play.” From which character’s memory is it drawn?
(A) Tom’s
(B) Amanda’s
(C) Laura’s
(D) Mr. Wingfield’s

6. For what does Amanda conduct a telephone campaign in order to make extra money?
(A) A local election
(B) Magazine subscriptions
(C) A charity
(D) Temperance

7. Amanda returns a library book that Tom has checked out. Who is the author of this book?
(A) Hart Crane
(B) Frederick Nietzsche
(C) Henrik Ibsen
(D) D. H. Lawrence

8. The action of the play is set nearest to which era of American history?
(A) Reconstruction
(B) The Great Depression
(C) The Roaring Twenties
(D) The Swell Fifties

9. According to Tom, where does he spend most of his nights?
(A) At smoky jazz joints
(B) At the movies
(C) At his best girl’s house
(D) At the offices of the Cleveland Plain Dealer

10. What is Amanda most concerned that Tom’s friend, the gentleman caller, not be?
(A) Overly intelligent
(B) Canadian
(C) A drunk
(D) Tubercular

11. In what is Jim taking night courses?
(A) Radio engineering and public speaking
(B) Home economics and desktop publishing
(C) Business administration and product development
(D) Sufi asceticism and Pure Land Buddhism

12. For whom did Tom’s father work?
(A) A canned goods business
(B) The Department of the Interior
(C) A glue manufacturer
(D) The telephone company

13. What do the Wingfields have instead of a porch?
(A) A marble balcony
(B) A fire-escape landing
(C) The neighbor’s roof
(D) Cable TV

14. What is Laura’s favorite animal among her glass figurines?
(A) A fawn
(B) A leopard
(C) A dinosaur
(D) A unicorn

15. What is Jim’s nickname for Tom?
(A) Marlowe
(B) Jonson
(C) Webster
(D) Shakespeare

16. What class did Jim and Laura have together in high school?
(A) Wood shop
(B) Chorus
(C) Spanish III
(D) Metal shop

17. Of what origin is Jim’s family?
(A) Irish
(B) African-American
(C) Spanish
(D) Russian

18. Why did Jim call Laura “Blue Roses”?
(A) Because she wore blue roses in her hair
(B) Because it was the title of a popular song
(C) Because it sounds like “pleurosis”
(D) Because he called all the girls that

19. How does Tom plunge the family into darkness?
(A) By not paying the water bill
(B) By not paying the gas bill
(C) By not paying the phone bill
(D) By not paying the light bill

20. For what does Tom pay membership dues with the money earmarked for the abovementioned bill?
(A) The Union of Industrial Shipping Clerks and Stockmen
(B) The Union of Merchant Seamen
(C) The United Brotherhood of Railcar Porters
(D) The Society of Poets and Writers

21. What is across the alley from the Wingfields’ apartment?
(A) A church
(B) A speakeasy
(C) A library
(D) A dance hall

22. Why will Jim not call again on the Wingfields?
(A) He is too shy
(B) He is engaged
(C) He is leaving town
(D) He is put off by Laura

23. What, according to Tom, is man by instinct?
(A) A lover, a hunter, a fighter
(B) A dancer, a singer, a cook
(C) A sprinter, a builder, an achiever
(D) A poet, a martyr, a soothsayer

24. What does Amanda make Tom promise that he will never be?
(A) A lawyer
(B) A drunkard
(C) An oboist
(D) A money lender

25. How did Tennessee Williams refer to the 1960s?
(A) As his “everlasting summer of love”
(B) As his “stoned age”
(C) As “the winter of my discontent”
(D) As “the age of revolution through theatre”

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