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Teen Rebellion

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Teen Rebellion
Teen Rebellion Teen rebellion is a problem that's been around ever since teenagers have. Almost every teen goes through some sort of rebellious stage in or after the precious years of puberty. It's a problem that's caused by a number of attributes, the two main being teenage hormones and attitude. It's a superiority syndrome that teens get to let the world "adults" know that their views and opinions are not to be reckoned with. And with such a stubborn mindset that teen rebellion comes with, it can sometimes be impossible to tell them otherwise or make them listen to reason. 98% of teens go through it, lots do it just to show off and some do it because of an incredible feeling of "self- righteousness". With appropriate action, teen rebellion is a problem that I believe can be improved upon. In the handout, there is a story that depicts a student who acts out in class. The teacher reprimands and warns the student only to have the student swaggeringly go about the same actions minutes later. This is a prime example "in my book" of a kid acting from the depths of a bruised ego. At the age of puberty, especially in males, teens receive a strong defense mechanism against when being embarrassed in front of a group of their peers. They feel they can't be shunned without a fight. This isn't just a speculation; it comes purely from long years of personal experience! As a teen I've found this sort of behavior starts right about the same time as puberty and starts to deteriorate at about the age of 19. Exact years differ from person to person, but the age of 19 is a good medium to go by. I found I used teen rebellion as a defense a lot growing up but more or less it was usually to get my point across to older people who took no mind to my opinions or thoughts. It brought attention to myself and sort of "force-fed" my point across to people who wouldn't pay attention otherwise. This, of course is a mature way to go about it but at the time of puberty, youths don't particularly worry about maturity as much as they do their egos. That's my personal experience with teen rebellion. In conclusion, attitude and ego are two big parts of teen rebellion. I think that we could possibly control if not subdue most of the problems that come along with teen rebellion. If we just took more time to be more compassionate to the fresh and yes, sensitive personalities of teens. We must start recognizing that, though young and immature, teens can have their feelings hurt just as bad if not worse than adults can. If we learn to recognize this more frequently, we could better deal and maybe even solve the problem of teen rebellion.

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