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GMOs and Franken-Foods
How Your Daily Diet Could
Cause Cancer
By Ty Bollinger

Copyright © 2014 | TTAC Publishing, LLC

| All Rights Reserved.
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Publisher: TTAC Publishing, LLC
Disclaimer: The content of this book is based on research conducted by TTAC Publishing, LLC, unless otherwise noted. The information is presented for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or prescribe for any medical or psychological condition, nor to prevent, treat, mitigate or cure such conditions. The information contained herein is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a doctor or qualified healthcare professional. Therefore, this information is not intended as medical advice, but rather a sharing of knowledge and information based on research and experience. TTAC
Publishing encourages you to make your own health care decisions based on your judgment and research in partnership with a qualified healthcare professional.



What Are Genetically Modified Foods and
Why Should They Concern You?


GMOs and Your Daily Life


GMOs – Good for Business, Bad for You


Why GMOs are Everyone’s Problem and What You Can Do About It


40 Natural Cancer-Fighting Foods


The Quest for the Cures…Continues



What Are Genetically Modified Foods and Why Should They Concern You?
Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) – also known as genetically engineered or biotech products – are crops and cattle that are “tweaked” in a laboratory environment to make “improvements” over what is found in nature.
Through the process of gene-splicing, DNA is combined from plants, animals, bacteria, and viruses to create versions of the original organism that is not found through traditional crossbreeding or farming practice.1 It is a method that jumps species in ways that is impossible in nature – for very good reasons.
We’re going to go into a lot of information in this report but there is one takeaway you need right here on page one: genetically modified foods (and anything they are found in) increase your risk of cancer, diabetes, neurodegenerative disease, and so much more. No matter what the GMO propaganda machine tries to tell you, no matter what severely biased “medical research” they present (conducted by GMO company labs), no matter how “safe” and “philanthropic” the biotech companies and food manufacturers try to make GMO food sound…they are lying.
GMOs are not safe, they are not good for you or our environment, and you should do everything you can to keep them out of your body.

Cheaper Food…At What Cost?
A fairly recent area of scientific interest, GMOs have now exploded onto the food industry scene. They are touted as cheaper, more reliable options for highconsumption crops since their introduction in the early nineties.
What began as a failed test with tomatoes (and later potatoes) has now branched out to include a vast range of “successful” GMO crops. Biotech engineers have tested these gene-splicing techniques on salmon and pigs as well.2



Scientists are unsure about all the long-term physical effects GMOs will have on human beings and no testing was done to determine the consequences before GMO foods were released into the marketplace. The few studies that were done were conducted by the biotech laboratories themselves – it isn’t a stretch to say there is a serious conflict of interest there – who pronounced their product “safe” before lobbying the government to do the same.

The U.S. is the largest p rod ucer of genetically mod ified crops.
As the rate of disease climbs in the United States – despite being a “developed” country with access to better medical care and quality of living per capita than much of the world – experts wonder if we aren’t already seeing the results of GMO use on a national scale.
Autoimmune disease, infertility, and many other chronic diseases have been rising since the introduction of GMO crops. Cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, and diabetes are just a few of the many diseases that are climbing at an alarming rate.
Is it a coincidence? No.



However, it could take many more years of intensive long-term research studies and politicking to “officially” determine whether lab-created food (crossed deliberately with toxins and bacteria) is better than natural food sources. By the time we fully understand the repercussions of genetically modified food, it will be too late.
GMO crops will be released again and again into our environment and will have become an even bigger part of our food source. Can we afford to take that risk?
More than a dozen other countries are now experimenting with biotech technology – including Canada, Australia, China, and Mexico – but most have implemented much harsher restrictions on their use than the United States has seen fit to do.
The European Union, Japan, and dozens of other nations have outright banned GMOs in their food supply. They cite unknown long-term side effects that could be caused by food that is created in a laboratory.
In 2012, when a scientific study was released proving that GMO corn caused massive tumors in rats, Russia and France banned it from being grown or imported.3
Monsanto’s response was that Russia and France didn’t order much of their products anyway – so it wouldn’t affect their bottom line.
A study is released – complete with intensely disturbing photographs of tumor-infested rats raised solely on GM corn4 – and they shrug because it won’t affect their profit margin. Their business model could not be clearer.

W hat Pro-GMO Advocates Say About Genetically
Modified Foods:

Higher resistance to insects
Greater tolerance during drought conditions
Larger food supply

What Anti-GMO Advocates Say About Genetically
Modified Foods:

There is no evidence that GMO crops produce higher-yield crops
There is no evidence that GMO crops tolerate drought
There is no evidence that GMO crops resist insect infestation
GMOs introduce “compounds” to the food supply with unknown side effects



GMO crops cross-contaminate non-GMO crops
We don’t know the consequences of altering the nutrient content of natural foods GMOs result in increased antibiotic resistance in humans and animals
GMOs result in higher risk of food allergy or other adverse reactions
Only the biotech companies making GMOs benefit in the long term
Biotechnology promotes an eventual “monopoly” over our food source
GMOs damage the environment
GMOs are a violation of consumer and traditional farmer rights

When you “tweak” natural food – it is n o longer natural. By altering the foods our bodies have been processing for thousands of years on a molecular level, you risk setting off a chain reaction in every cell.
The story is so much more chilling than that.



GMOs and Your Daily Life
Though GMOs have been in the news a lot over the last few years, it’s surprising that there isn’t more concern. Considering that more than 7 0% of processed foods contain genetically modified ingredients, the outcry about the food we eat is rather mild.
Products from canola oil to breakfast cereals to soda contain GMOs and the animals raised to provide our meat, dairy, and eggs are increasingly being raised on cheaper
GMO feed to increase profit margins.
Even more worrisome, l ess than half the population realizes that GMO’s are part of our current food supply. When asked, most people d o not believe they’ve ever consumed a genetically modified food.5
Unless you grow your own food, the likelihood that you’ve unknowingly eaten genetically modified organisms is extremely high.
If you regularly eat foods containing high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), refined sugar, or soy, then you are consistently ingesting GMOs. Corn, soy, and sugar beets are currently the biggest GMO crops in the United States.

A Few Minutes of Research…
For a list of verified GMO-free foods, visit the website for Non-GMO Project.6 You can search by category, brand, or product name to discover if commonly used ingredients and foods you regularly consume are certified GMO-free.
The federal government has deregulated GMO products – and the companies that make them – so much that it’s hard to find true organic food unless you make it (or grow it) yourself.
Companies are n ot required to label products containing genetically modified ingredients but many are listening to their consumers and doing it anyway. If a food manufacturer is against GMOs, you’re going to know it by their



willingness to be certified G MO-Free. It will take years to get labels on everything.
For now, the best way to find out is research.
You must read your labels. My grandmother always said, “If I can’t pronounce it, I probably shouldn’t eat it.” Unfortunately, that would effectively eliminate about 90% of the choices on market shelves.
Still, turning over that item and taking a moment to check out what’s in it is worth it when you consider the long-term effects of eating what our bodies are unable to process. Top 20 Common Foods Containing GMO Ingredients:7
1. Canned or box pre-prepared foods 2. Frozen pizzas and ready-made meals – even the “healthy” ones
3. Baking mixes
4. Baby formula
5. Sweetened juices – including
Gatorade™ and V-8™
6. Snack foods – potato chips, popcorn, pastries
7. Candy
8. Cookies and crackers
9. Energy bars and drinks
10. Meat and dairy “alternatives”
11. Bread
12. Breakfast foods – including Pop Tarts™, waffles, and many granola bars
13. Children’s cereal or any “sweetened” variety of cereal
14. Vegetable and canola oil
15. Tofu, soy milk, and soy drinks
16. Soft drinks
17. Salmon that is not “wild” has been b io-engineered to be twice the size and grow faster
18. Honey that is not “raw organic” is made from h igh fructose corn syrup
19. Meat that is not “grass fed” is consuming G MO feed
20. Milk that is not “organic” likely comes from cows given h uman growth hormone 8


The list what contains GMOs is terrifying because it covers so many varieties of foods and food products. While we’ve all been distracted, genetic engineering of our food supply has been quietly happening behind the scenes. There is already so much of it on the market – with plans for much more – that it may already be too late to un-ring the bell.
It has to start with you…right now.

What You Don’t Know Can (and Will) Make You Sick
Cancer patients currently fighting the disease and those in remission must avoid GMO foods! The initial scientific data – which will get far worse in the decades to come – is already connecting genetic modification to countless health and environmental problems. 

Increased risk of c ancer 8
Increased risk of allergies
Infertility and birth defects
Changes to internal organs
Rapid aging
Bugs and weeds resistant to prior controls
Death of insects crucial to environmental balance

To fight cancer, keep cancer out of your life, and improve your chances of remaining cancer-free…the importance of eating true organic foods cannot be stressed enough.



GMOs – Good for Business, Bad for You
The business of food engineering is booming.
Let’s set aside the far-reaching health concerns about genetically modified food for a moment to discuss dollars.
Industrial agriculture is a for-profit industry. It is based on yield of crops and bottom line margins rather than people or the places where they live.

What is the Impact of GMOs on Farmers?
Biotech firms use smoke and mirrors to confuse the population. Talk of “more food” and how GMO crops are “good for farmers” dissuade anyone from looking too closely at the fact that independent farmers have dropped from 50% of the population to less than 1% since World War II over there.
It certainly isn’t because we need less food.
Farmers are strong-armed into growing GMO crops and if they resist, biotech companies can sue them when their non-GMO fields are contaminated with GMO crops by natural cross-pollination.
On what grounds? Patent infringement.
Not only is this unconscionable, farmers who do grow GMO crops are forbidden to save seeds to plant the following year. This makes a once-independent enterprise ultimately dependent on one source for the seeds necessary to grow food.
Let’s go over that one more time…it’s worth repeating.
Less than 1 % of our population consists of independent farmers and they are gradually becoming dependent on o ne source for the seeds to grow our GMO food.
Even without the health repercussions of genetically modified foods, the thought that one massive company – Monsanto Co. controls more than 90% of the genetically



modified crops worldwide – can determine our food supply should concern every person in the United States.
All of the companies who contribute to GMO foods are chemical companies. They make some of the most dangerous pollutants on the planet that include Agent Orange,
DDT, and “rat poison” they call Aspartame and Saccharin.

Some of those toxins are being sp liced into the DNA of our food “to prevent bugs.”
If you aren’t concerned, perhaps that’s because you don’t realize how much of our food they already control. In 2012, the United States Department of Agriculture
(USDA) released a report on the growth of genetically modified crops for highconsumption foods.

How Much of Our Agriculture is Already Genetically Modified?

Soybeans – 94% GMO [used in nearly all processed foods, supplements, and vegetable oils – proclaimed to be a “health food” by food manufacturers] Corn – 89% GMO [used in nearly all processed foods in the form of high fructose corn syrup
(HFCS), as a filler, and as animal feed]
Cotton – 91% GMO [cottonseed oil is used in vegetable oils, margarine, shortening, and in production of fried snack foods]
Canola – 90% GMO [used in biofuels and cooking oils worldwide]
Sugar Beets – 90% GMO [used to create 54% of all refined sugar – has now been deregulated by the USDA and expected to climb drastically]
Alfalfa – [used primarily as feed for dairy cows, which provide milk, yogurt, butter…the first planting occurred in 2011 and as the fourth largest consumed crop in the U.S., alfalfa is expected to rapidly switch to GMO]



What is the Impact of GMOs on the Environment?
Environmentally, independent farmers work on an age-old system of crop rotation, which lessens pest infestation (and the need for increased pesticides), keeps the soil fertile, and ensures that each season of yield is consistent barring natural disaster or drought. For thousands of years, the process of growing food has been something of an art form.
Until big business got involved.
Now, the same crops are planted over and over again by the agriculture giants, depleting the natural nutrients found in the soil, increasing pest population, and creating crops that are simply less in appearance and strength.
How to combat these problems caused by mass production farming?
Genetically modified foods are created with a stronger resistance to drought and pests, built to look and taste like the good organic stuff, and weeds aren’t a problem anymore because the biotech firms created a plant killer that destroys any botanical compound that is not genetically modified.
A decade ago, scientists were concerned about the mortality rates of the Monarch butterfly due to pollen that blew from GMO cornfields into milkweed plants that were consumed by the Monarch caterpillar.
“Unintentional harm to other organisms” is what biotech advocates called it.
“The beginning of a much bigger problem,” said scientists and environmentalists.
Genetically modified seeds are spliced with a toxin that kills insects, those toxins kill all kinds of insects without discrimination, and not all of them are “pests” that should be eliminated for crop health.
80% of the genetically modified crops are engineered to resist herbicides. The rampant use of specialized weed killer results in super weeds and super bugs that are resistant to just about everything except the most toxic chemicals available.

The Science and the Consequences to Your Health
Admittedly, there are not many official long-term studies on genetically modified foods yet. Until recently, all the accepted “research” came from the biotech companies themselves – what little there was, that is.



The independent studies that have been done on GMOs are horrifying.9

Grotesque tumors
Premature death
Organ failure
Gastric lesions
Liver damage
Kidney damage
Severe allergic reactions
Viral gene that disrupts basic human functions
And so much more…10

Of these severe reactions to GMO exposure, biotech companies have dismissed them as “anecdotal evidence” and no effort has been made to slow or stop the gradual infiltration of our food supply with what scientists around the globe call “allergenic,”
“immunogenic,” “toxic,” “unstable,” and “unpredictable.”
An extensive report released by the Institute of Science in Society (ISIS) by Dr. MaeWan Ho noted, “[Genetically modified] DNA jumping into genomes cause ‘insertion



mutagenesis’ that can lead to cancer, or activate dormant viruses that cause diseases.”11 In non-medical language, genetically modification is leading to additional mutations within the product that were unplanned and not counted on. As with all biological organisms, even lab created “products” will not stay in a simple box…it will gradually alter from the original.
Cancer is caused when our own cells become damaged or mutated and those same damaged cells are replicated over and over.
The lab-altered molecules that are gradually taking over our food supply are already mutating into something biotech companies did not create.
If they are jumping genomes and mutating within the crop scenario, what reaction will these cells have inside our bodies?



Why GMOs are Everyone’s Problem and
What You Can Do About It
Your body is under constant attack and with increased overall stress of modern life and environmental pollutants, it’s daunting to think that our very food supply could be yet another source of contaminant that leads to cancer and other disease.
That is our present reality.
Our ever-changing world requires that you remain vigilant. Genetically modified foods are not the first “human experiment” that massive corporations have performed without our consent but it has the potential to be the biggest.
Altering the very food we require to survive on a molecular level while also affecting the surrounding plant life, soil, and insect population with “unintentional” mutations will cause a chain reaction we may not be able to stop.
For the first two years of GMO corn crop production, there was a decrease in insect and weed invasion. It lowered the amount of chemical insecticides and herbicides required. Then the weeds and insects a dapted and the use of chemical solutions – also created and sold by the biotech companies – rose 15% above what was required with traditional farming.
On an environmental level, genetically modified crops are not sustainable nor are they safe. These carcinogens are sinking into the soil, leaking into the groundwater supply, and causing mutations for the farmers, plants, birds, insects, and cattle nearby – whether they use GMO seeds and chemicals or not. Asthma, skin rashes, and pollution are reported by civilians living around GMO farmland around the world.



Be Part of the Anti-GMO Revolution
The “business” of genetically modifying our food involves each and every one of us on the planet. The use of GMOs without our consent, refusing to label those goods, and putting money behind every effort to silence consumer questions or address valid research means they are earning their profits at the cost of our health and the safety of our planet.

Ca ncerous tumors, organ failure, a nd infertility are just the beg inning.
Leaving one greedy conglomerate in charge of our food supply is something that only seems possible in the movies. This is not fiction. The only credits we’ll be watching will be those that document an apocalypse-level event in a decade or two.

Seven Ways to Fight Back According to
1. Stop buying all non-organic processed foods. If you want to be healthy, if you want to avoid cancer, heart attacks, or obesity, build your diet around whole foods, especially raw fruits and vegetables, healthy fats (coconut oil, avocadoes, pastured meat, dairy and eggs, nuts and whole grains) and nuts.
2. Patronize grocers, co-ops, and community restaurants that serve organic, cooked-from-scratch, local food. Many restaurants, especially chain restaurants
(Chipotlé is a rare exception), sell many of the brands owned by GMA members.
3. Cook at home with healthy organic ingredients.
4. Buy only heirloom, open-pollinated, and/or organic seeds.
5. Boycott all lawn and garden inputs (chemicals, fertilizers, etc.) unless they are
“OMRI Approved,” which means they are allowed in organic production.
6. Read the labels on everything you buy. If a GMA member company owns the product, don’t buy it. Given the greed and reckless disregard for public health and the environment typical of GMA corporations, chances are these products aren’t good for you and the environment anyway.
7. Download the Boycott app for your smartphone and join OCA’s new campaign,
“Buy Organic Brands that Support Your Right to Know” so you can scan products before you buy them. Educate yourself on GMOs and the companies that create them. Boycott companies that refuse to go non-GMO or to label the foods they manufacture.



Refuse to accept GMOs in your life or the lives of the people you care about.
The biotech firms are huge and influential. In the last twenty years, they’ve seized control of something that o ne group should never control exclusively. The safety and well-being of the “many” is being sabotaged by the “few.” Yes, they are powerful.
They are not all-powerful.
We must stand together to stop the GMO infestation of our food supply.
How do you fight companies so large? You hit them in the wallet. In 2013, companies willing to go “non-GMO” saw their profits rise a shocking 28% according to the Wall
Street Journal.12 The biotech firms poured
$46 million into fighting the labeling campaign put forth in California – which was narrowly rejected.
The ability for the residents of one state to cause such an uproar means it can be done and you can take part. Check out some of the grassroots movements in your state right now and find out how you can help.
Your body, our environment, and the future of our food supply depend on it.



40 Natural Cancer-Fighting Foods
The number one thing to remember when choosing food in our GMO-filled world is that you want to avoid processed foods! If it can be made from a box, bag, or can – you can almost guarantee that it contains GMO ingredients.
Choose organic varieties when possible. Look for “Non-GMO” product labels (and do research on your favorite brands if they aren’t labeled).
The grass roots movement against genetically modified foods is gaining momentum but for now – thanks to Monsanto’s heavy influence with the United States government
– many companies have opted not to tell us if we’re eating GMOs.

You have a right to know what you’re putting in your b ody.
You have a right to keep cancercausing foods o ut of your b ody.
Here is a list of some of the best foods available right now to keep you healthy, strong, and living longer. These are foods that are rich in antioxidants (proven to fight cancercausing free radicals), nutrients, and compounds that your body loves.
Most of these have been the focus of intense studies over the last decade. The medical industry likes to call cancer-fighting food studies “inconclusive” and brush them aside.
It is a proven fact that you are what you eat. Every cell in your body wants top grade, healthy fuel, to help it run more efficiently. Your immune system in particular needs you to power it with the best stuff you can find.



Top 40 Cancer-Fighting Foods A-Z
1. Almonds (plain, unsalted)
2. Avocado
3. Beans (dry)
4. Broccoli
5. Brussels sprouts
6. Carrots
7. Cauliflower
8. Cayenne
9. Coconut oil
10. Coffee
11. Eggs
12. Figs
13. Flaxseed
14. Berries (fresh or frozen)
15. Garlic
16. Ginger
17. Green tea (tea bags or loose)
18. Greens (collard, turnip, or mustard)
19. Hemp
20. Kale
21. Mushrooms
22. Oatmeal
23. Olive oil
24. Onions
25. Oranges
26. Parsley
27. Pears
28. Peas (fresh or frozen)
29. Peppers
30. Pineapples
31. Pomegranates
32. Red or purple grapes
33. Romaine lettuce
34. Seaweed
35. Spinach
36. Sweet potatoes
37. Tomatoes



38. Turmeric
39. Walnuts
40. Water

Keep It Simple
No pills, no fads, no mysterious “potions” that promise the world. You don’t have to spend your life at the gym. You don’t have to spend hours prepping food.
It’s all rather simple.

What You Need…

Healthy food
Regular exercise
Plenty of sleep
Lots of water
Less stress
Limit alcohol
Quit cigarettes
(actually, UV exposure is essential to form vitamin D3)
Avoid GMOs

To those people who say, “I could do all the right things and still get cancer.” Yes. You could. However, science proves that you lower your risk of deadly disease by more than 65% if you use common sense when it comes to your health.
There is no “secret” to fighting disease. Every day, someone’s loved one dies. Every single day.

Experts estimate that more than 75% the cancers in the world are preventab le.
YOU are someone’s loved one. Do what you can to prevent cancer. Start today.



The Quest for the Cures…Continues
In 2014, an estimated 1.6 million people will be diagnosed with cancer in the United
States alone. Experts believe that of those diagnosed, more than half a million of those patients will die from the disease.13

Ca ncer is the second highest cause of death in the United Sta tes and the United King dom.
The financial burden to patients, their families, and society at large is astronomical but that is nothing in comparison to the mental, emotional, and physical toll this deadly disease leaves on so many lives. There are no positive takeaways when cancer is involved. Some “Eye-Opening” Facts about Cancer
Did you know that every 1 in 2 men and every 1 in 3 women will be diagnosed with cancer at some point within their lifetimes?
Did you know that every 2.5 seconds someone is diagnosed with cancer and every 4 seconds, a life is taken by the disease?
Did you know that within five years, cancer will surpass heart disease as the leading cause of death in the United States and it is already the leading cause of death in
Canada and Australia?

There is Good News
Cancer is preventable and it is curable.
Every single day, tens of thousands of people just like you are controlling cancer
(and/or preventing it) from destroying their bodies and taking their lives.



It’s time to take matters into our own hands, to be proactive in the fight against cancer.
It’s time to educate ourselves about real prevention and treatments that work whether they are in the top of the media or not.

It could save your life or the life of someone you love.
In “Quest for the Cures…Continues,” you’ll hear from 51 doctors, researchers, experts, and survivors that break their ‘code of silence’ and expose to you how to not only prevent, but even treat and beat cancer naturally.
Real world, real science, real survival.
Take the first step toward making sure your life and the lives of the people you care about remain free from the blight of cancer.
Begin your own “Quest for the Cures…Continues” right now.



Ty Bollinger is a happily married husband and father, a
CPA, health freedom advocate, health researcher, former competitive bodybuilder, talk radio host, and best-selling author of 7 books on natural health. He speaks frequently to health groups, at seminars, expos, conferences, churches, and is a regular guest on multiple radio shows, television shows, and writes for numerous magazines and websites. He also co-hosts a weekly radio show (along with Robert Scott Bell) called
“Outside the Box Wednesdays” which is syndicated on the GCN Radio
Network and



ProQuest: Genetically Modified Foods: Harmful or Helpful. Retrieved from 2
NonGMO Project: GMO Facts. Retrieved from
RT News: Russia halts imports of Monsanto corn over cancer fears. Retrieved from 4
Natural News: Shock findings in new GMO study: Rats fed lifetime of GM corn grow horrifying tumors,
70% of females die early. Retrieved from 5
WebMD: Are Biotech Foods Safe to Eat? Retrieved from
Non-GMO Project; Find Non-GMO – Verified Products
Daily Finance: 10 Foods You’ll Have to Give Up to Avoid Eating GMOs. Retrieved from 8
GreenMedInfo: BREAKING: Glyphosate (Roundup) Carcinogenic in the Parts per Trillion Range.
Retrieved from
The Organic Prepper: The 10 GMO Myths that Monsanto Wants You to Believe. Retrieved from 10
International Journal of Biological Sciences: A Comparison of the Effects of Three GM Corn Varieties on Mammalian Health. Retrieved from
Institute of Science in Society: Why GMOs Can Never Be Safe. Retrieved from
Wall Street Journal: The GMO Fight Ripples Down the Food Chain. Retrieved from 13
American Cancer Society; Cancer Facts & Figures 2014


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