
Romeo and Juliet As a Tragedy of Fate

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Romeo and Juliet As a Tragedy of Fate
Romeo and Juliet as a tragedy of Fate

It has always been the dearest hope of mankind that the twists and turns of life, a seemingly random progression of sheer coincidence, are in fact a part of the designs of some higher order. Somewhere, we reason, there must exist an emergent pattern to the chaos of our existence. To this intangible being who directs our course we have assigned the name of fate. It is fate, and not humble human choice or character, that steers Romeo and Juliet to the tragedy of their deaths. Shakespeare creates a clear path for us to follow, as omniscient spectators, to watch as fate manifests herself through a tightly knit web of chance events. Shakespeare makes it clear on several occasions that fate is in control, and that destiny and not flaw in character directs the tragedy.

Fate controls the destiny of Romeo and Juliet through a series of coincidences, which is set into motion by the opposition of the houses of Montague and Capulet. Fate leads the plot from one "chance event" to the next in a closely related sequence. The illiterate servant by pure chance asks Romeo

Romeo and Juliet as a Tragedy of Fate or Character

The tragedy Romeo and Juliet is about two 'star-crossed' lovers from rival families. As the two families, the Capulet's and the Montague's, hatred for each other grows, Romeo and Juliet's love for each other turns into a very dramatically passionate and lustful love. This causes the couple to make radical decisions leading to the suicidal ending. Some critics argue that Romeo and Juliet is not a true tragedy. They suggest that the play is a variation of a form of drama called
'Tragedy of Fate' which was popular during the early Elizabethan period. But is fate the only cause of the inevitable ending?

Although some reasons that Romeo and Juliet die are out of their control, fate is not the largest reason that the lovers end up dying.
For example, when Romeo hears of Juliet's death, before

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