
Rise and Fall of Protectionis

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Rise and Fall of Protectionis

PII: S0305-750X(99)00160-6

World Development Vol. 28, No. 5, pp. 789±804, 2000 Ó 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved Printed in Great Britain 0305-750X/00/$ - see front matter

The Rise and Fall of the Washington Consensus as a Paradigm for Developing Countries
CHARLES GORE * United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva, Switzerland
Summary. Ð The introduction of the Washington Consensus involved not simply a swing from state-led to market-oriented policies, but also a shift in the ways in which development problems were framed and in the types of explanation through which policies were justi®ed. Key changes were the partial globalization of development policy analysis, and a shift from historicism to ahistorical performance assessment. The main challenge to this approach is a latent Southern Consensus, which is apparent in the convergence between East Asian developmentalism and Latin American neostructuralism. The demise of the Washington Consensus is inevitable because its methodology and ideology are in contradiction. Ó 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. Key words Ð development theory, development policies, World Bank/IMF policies

1. INTRODUCTION Developing countries is an international practice. The essence of this practice is the mobilization and allocation of resources, and the design of institutions, to transform national economies and societies, in an orderly way, from a state and status of being less developed to one of being more developed. The agencies engaged in this practice include national governments of less-developed countries, which have adopted ``development ' ' as a purpose to which State power is put, and governments of richer countries, which disburse ocial development aid to support and in¯uence this process; a variety of non-governmental organizations concerned to animate and channel popular concerns; and international intergovernmental organizations, such

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