
Persuasive Essay On Refugees In The United States

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Persuasive Essay On Refugees In The United States
When does the line between refugee and terrorist get drawn. It seems like these days everyone has given up on the Middle East when they aren't the ones to blame. It all started six years ago, you might have heard about it before but you've only read the surface of it. The United States sent over a thousand troops ever since the Syrian Civil war started. All this time the United States has made efforts to protect the free Syrian people and at the same time defend the security of our nation. The US is providing Syrian refugees with enough respect, enough equipment, and enough support in our country and in theirs.

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In 2016 President Barack Obama has made a lot of efforts to urge the government and Americans to accept Syrian refugees into our country. The bill raised the capacity to 10,000 Refugees. Not only have we opened our doors but also helped place them in homes, helped them find work, and have provided them with financial support (Omri). However, A recent order made by the new President, Donald Trump banned flights from seven countries to enter the United States. These countries who were largely Islamic, were not allowed to land on United States soil. Fortunately, the United States federal court has denied Donald Trump’s executive order finding it unfair and unconstitutional. Now, In the past 24 hours lots of refugees are boarding
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9th Circuit Court of Appeals was a refugee himself. He immigrated to New York when he was a boy coming from Romania in 1962 he worked hard to become educated which led him to receiving his important political job. This shows that the United States isn't discriminating refugees when we have allowed them to be representatives in our government. It also proves that for people who work hard their dreams can become true in America. “Executive power favors the party, or perhaps simply the person, who wields it,” Mr. Kosinski thoughts on Donald Trump

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