
Parents Influence In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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Parents Influence In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet
In many real-life events, parents are the biggest influence in life, but William Shakespeare's “The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet,” proves otherwise. In the story, Romeo, a 16-17 year old boy (assuming from the context clues), and Juliet, a 13 year old girl, fall in love and kill themselves for one another (Romeo killing himself first after he believes that Juliet is dead), but who most people believe is responsible for their deaths is Friar Lawrence, Friar John, or even Balthasar. What they don’t realize is that Lord Capulet is, in fact, responsible.
The main reason why others believe that Friar Lawrence is responsible is because he thought that if he gets Romeo to marry Juliet, the family feud would end, but since that plan didn’t work, he

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