
Never Never Be Afraid To Do

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Never Never Be Afraid To Do
“Never, never be afraid to do what's right, especially if the well-being of a person or animal is at stake. Society's punishments are small compared to the wounds we inflict on our soul when we look the other way.” This quote, expressed by Martin Luther King, Jr. illustrates the tremendous impact individuals have on transforming society. Although today we live in a world in which same sex couples can get married, ailing patients can purchase cannabis in some states, and an infertile couple can pay for a surrogate mother to birth their unborn child, this county has not always been so progressive. During the 1960’s, things were drastically different. In fact, an entire race of people experienced severe hardships due to the pigment of their skin. During the1960’s things were drastically different. During this era, an entire race of people endured great hardships according the color of their skin. These people had been oppressed for the last three centuries and there was time for change. Black people during the civil rights era were denied basic freedoms my white Americans enjoyed. They were denied the right to vote, the right to an education, and more importantly the right to be human. Yet, in spite of this, ordinary people took extraordinary measures. Many risked their lives. Many lost their lives. Thus, it is imperative that individuals take a position when an injustice occurs; the risk is too great-it destroys humanity.
To begin with, doing the right thing is not always supported or popular; it often requires quiet strength and bravery. For example, in 1957, a brave teenage girl made history. The 1954 Supreme Court case made it unconstitutional to make public schools segregated. So, in 1957, Elizabeth Ekford and eight other’s became known as the Little Rock Nine. When Elizabeth tried to enter Central high school in Little Rock Arkansas, she was met by huge crowds that made sure she was not allowed into the school. People threw rocks, spat on her, and screamed

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