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My Favourite Malaysian Festivals

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|English Idioms relating to |
| |
| Ants in one's pants | People who have ants in their pants are very restless or excited about |
| | something |
| | "I wish he'd relax. He's got ants in his pants about something today!" |
| Bare your heart (or soul) to someone | If you bare your heart or soul to someone, you reveal your innermost |
| | thoughts and feelings to them. |
| | "John couldn't keep things to himself any longer. He decided to bare |
| | his soul to his best friend." |
| Bear the brunt (of something) | A person who bears the brunt of something is the one who suffers the |
| | most when something bad or unpleasant happens. |
| | "When things go wrong, his assistant always has to bear the brunt of |
| | his anger." |
| Beside yourself (with an emotion) | If you are beside yourself (with an emotion), you lose your self-control |
| | because of the intensity of the emotion you are feeling. |
| | "He was beside himself with grief when he lost his son." |
| Carry the torch | If you carry the torch, you have strong feelings for someone with whom |
| | you do not or cannot have a relationship.. |
| | "He's been carrying the torch for Julie since their college days, before she |
| | married Ted." |
| Wouldn't be caught/seen dead | If someone says that they wouldn't be caught or seen dead in a |
| | particular place or doing something, they mean that they would be |
| | too ashamed or embarrassed. |
| | "My seven-year-old son thinks he's a big boy; he wouldn't be caught |
| | dead holding my hand!" |
| Cause a stir | If something causes a stir, it creates an atmosphere of excitement |
| | or great interest. |
| | "The arrival of the actress caused quite a stir in the village." |
| Wouldn't be caught/seen dead | If someone says that they wouldn't be caught or seen dead in a |
| | particular place or doing something, they mean that they would be |
| | too ashamed or embarrassed. |
| | "My seven-year-old son thinks he's a big boy; he wouldn't be caught |
| | dead holding my hand!" |
| Cheesed off | If someone is cheesed off with something, they are annoyed, bored |
| | or frustrated. |
| | "Julie is absolutely cheesed off with her job. |
| A chip on your shoulder | If someone has a chip on their shoulder, they feel resentful because |
| | they feel they are being treated unfairly, especially because of |
| | their background, their sex or their colour. |
| Close to home | If a remark or comment is close to home, it is so true, or it affects you |
| | so directly, that you feel uncomfortable. |
| | "Alan looks embarrassed. Bob's comment must have been close to home!" |
| Come apart at the seams | To say that someone is coming apart at the seams means that they are |
| | extremely upset or under severe mental stress. |
| | "Bob has had so many problems lately, he's coming apart at the seams." |
| Cork something up | If you cork something up (feelings, emotions), you fail to show or |
| | express them. |
| | "It would be better for her if she showed her grief and didn't cork up her |
| | feelings." |
| Cut to the quick | If you cut someone to the quick, you hurt their feelings or offend |
| | them deeply. |
| | "Alan was cut to the quick when Jack expressed doubts about his |
| | sincerity." |
| Out of your depth. | If you are out of your depth, it means you are in a situation |
| | which is too difficult for you, or which you know little about. |
| On the edge of one's seat | Someone who is on the edge of their seat is very interested in |
| | something and finds it both extremely exciting and nerve-wracking. |
| | "Look at Bob! He's on the edge of his seat watching that rugby match." |
| Feel on top of the world | If you feel on top of the world, you feel wonderful or ecstatic about |
| | something. |
| | "I've been feeling on top of the world since I got the results - I'm |
| | qualified!" |
| Keep one's feet on the ground | A person who keeps their feet on the ground continues to act |
| | in a sensible and practical way, even if they become successful. |
| Fever pitch | If a situation or feeling reaches fever pitch, it becomes very intense |
| | and exciting. |
| | "Reaction to the affair has reached fever pitch all over the country." |
| A fish out of water | If you feel like a fish out of water , you feel uncomfortable |
| | because of an unfamiliar situation or unfamiliar surroundings. |
| | "As a non-golfer, I felt like a fish out of water at the clubhouse." |
| Freudian slip | This refers to a mistake made by a speaker which is considered to reveal |
| | their true thoughts or feelings. |
| | "So you got the job - I'm so sad - sorry, I mean glad!" |
| Have one's heart in the right place | A person who has their heart in the right place has kind feelings |
| | and good intentions, even if the results are not too good. |
| | "The old lady's cake wasn't wonderful but she's got her heart in the |
| | right place." |
| Get a grip on yourself | If you get a grip on yourself, you make an effort to control your |
| | feelings so as to be able to deal with a situation.. |
| | "After the initial shock, Lisa got a grip on herself and called an ambulance." |
| Get something out of your system | This expression means that you get rid of a strong emotion or desire |
| | by expressing it openly or trying to fulfil it. |
| | "Tell your parents how you feel - it's better to get it out of your system!" |
| Get worked up (about something) | If you get worked up about something, you become upset, annoyed |
| | or excited, often unnecessarily. |
| | "It's his first day at school tomorrow and he's all worked up about it!" |
| Go bananas | If someone becomes very emotional and starts behaving in a crazy way, |
| | they go bananas. |
| | "If you announce that you're going to drop out of school, your parents |
| | will go bananas! |
| Go to pieces | If you go to pieces, for example after a terrible shock, you are so upset |
| | or distressed that you cannot lead your life normally. |
| | "Jack nearly went to pieces when his son died in a plane crash." |
| Groan inwardly | If you groan inwardly, you feel like expressing despair, disapproval |
| | or distress, but you remain silent. |
| | "On his return, when Pete saw the pile of files on his desk, he groaned |
| | inwardly." |
| Gut feeling | If you have a gut feeling about something, you have a strong intuition |
| | which you cannot explain, but you are sure that you are right. |
| | "As I read the story, I had a gut feeling that the postman was lying ... |
| | and I was right!" |
| Hard as nails | A person who is hard (or 'tough') as nails is unsentimental and |
| | shows no sympathy. |
| | "Don't expect any sympathy from him. He's as hard as hails." |
| Have kittens | To say you're going to have kittens is a dramatic way of expressing |
| | worry, anxiety or fear. |
| | "His mother nearly had kittens when Alex announced that he wanted |
| | to be a trapeze artist." |
| Head over heels in love | When a person falls passionately in love with another, they are said |
| | to be head over heels in love. |
| | "Tony's only interest at the moment is Maria. He's head over heels |
| | in love with her!" |
| Change of heart | If someone has a change of heart, they change their attitude or |
| | feelings, especially towards greater friendliness or cooperation. |
| | "He was against charity, but he had a change of heart |
| | when he saw the plight of the homeless." |
| Couldn't give a hoot! | To say that you don't or couldn't give a hoot, means that |
| | you don't care at all about something. |
| | "She wears eccentric clothes but she's couldn't give a hoot about |
| | what others think." |
| Hope against hope | If you hope against hope, you continue to hope even when the |
| | situation looks bad |
| | "The whole building was destroyed by fire. John's parents are hoping |
| | against hope that he escaped in time." |
| Hot under the collar | If you get hot under the collar, you feel annoyed, indignant or |
| | embarrassed. |
| | "If anyone criticizes his proposals, Joe immediately gets hot under |
| | the collar." |
| Keep your fingers crossed | If you keep your fingers crossed, you hope that something will be |
| | successful. |
| | "I'm doing my driving test tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed for me." |
| Keep (something) in proportion | If you react to a situation in a sensible way, without exaggerating |
| | the importance or seriousness of the facts, you keep things in |
| | proportion. |
| | "Yes, we've got a problem, but let's try to keep things in proportion." |
| Keep a stiff upper lip | If a person keeps a stiff upper lip, they contain their emotion |
| | and do not let other people see their feelings. |
| | "When she heard the bad news, she kept a stiff upper lip." |
| Cut the atmosphere with a knife | To say that you could "cut the atmosphere with a knife" |
| | means that the atmosphere is extremely tense or unfriendly. |
| Know someone/something inside out. | If you know someone or something inside out, you know them |
| | very well. |
| Look on the bright side | If you look on the bright side, you view a mostly unpleasant situation |
| | in a positive and optimistic way and see the favourable aspects. |
| | "OK. You know nobody, But there's a bright side - you'll make lots of |
| | new friends!" |
| Love me, love my dog | This expression means that if someone loves you, they must love |
| | everything about you, including everyone and everything that you |
| | love. |
| A lump in your throat | If you have a lump in your throat, you have a tight feeling in your |
| | throat because of a strong emotion such as sadness or gratitude. |
| | "The speech was so touching that I had a lump in my throat." |
| Make one's flesh crawl | Something that makes your flesh crawl fills you with disgust or |
| | makes you feel very nervous. |
| | "Just talking about snakes makes my flesh crawl." |
| Mixed feelings | When you have mixed feelings about something, you react to it |
| | with conflicting emotions; you are happy and unhappy at the same time. |
| | "I had mixed feelings about leaving the company. I was excited about |
| | my new job but sad to be leaving my colleagues." |
| Nice as pie | If a person is nice as pie, they are surprisingly very kind and friendly |
| | "After our argument, she was nice as pie!" |
| No hard feelings | If you have no hard feelings, you feel no resentment or bitterness |
| | about something. |
| | When Jack was promoted instead of Steve, he said to Steve : |
| | "No hard feelings I hope." |
| Not give a hang about | If you do not give a hang about something, you are totally indifferent |
| something | to it and do not care at all about it. |
| | "I'm not interested in football so I don't give a hang about which team |
| | wins." |
| Nose out of joint | If a person's nose is out of joint, they have been upset, embarrassed |
| | or offended by somebody or something. |
| | "When he discovered that he wasn't on the invitation list, that really put |
| | his nose out of joint.' |
| As pleased (or as proud) as punch | Someone who is as pleased (or as proud) as punch is delighted |
| | or feels very satisfied about something. |
| | "Danny was as proud as punch when he won the tennis match." |
| Pour your heart out | If you pour your heart out to someone, you express your feelings |
| | and troubles freely. |
| | "When she needs to pour her heart out to someone, she goes to visit |
| | her grandmother." |
| Prey on someone's mind | If something preys on your mind, it troubles you so much that you |
| | keep thinking about it. |
| | "The vision of the house on fire kept preying on her mind." |
| Prolong the agony | If someone prolongs the agony, they make an unpleasant or tense |
| | situation last longer than necessary. |
| | "Please don't prolong the agony. Just tell me whether I've been |
| | accepted or not." |
| Proud as a peacock | A person who is as proud as a peacock is extremely proud. |
| | "When his son won first prize, Bill was as proud as a peacock." |
| Put one's foot in one's mouth | If you put your foot in your mouth, you do or say something that |
| | offends, upsets or embarrasses someone else. |
| | "She really put her foot in her mouth when she mentioned the |
| | housewarming party - Andy hadn't been invited!" |
| Send a shiver down one's spine | If something sends a shiver down your spine, it makes you feel |
| | anxious, nervous or excited. |
| | "That song always sends a shiver down my spine." |
| Have a soft spot | If you have a soft spot for someone or something, you particularly |
| | like them. |
| | "My grandfather has always had a soft spot for fast cars." |
| Speak volumes | If something speaks volumes, it expresses a reaction or opinion |
| | very clearly, with no need for words. |
| | "The happy smile on the child's face when he opened the box spoke |
| | volumes about my choice of gift." |
| On the spot | If you put somebody on the spot, you put them in a difficult situation, |
| | for example by asking embarrassing or difficult questions which they |
| | cannot avoid. |
| | "When the reporter was asked to reveal his source, he was really put |
| | on the spot." |
| Let off steam. | To let off steam means to say or do something to relieve |
| | your feelings about something. |
| Steamed up | If someone is or gets steamed up about something, they become |
| | very angry, excited or enthusiastic about it. |
| | "Calm down - there's no need to get all steamed up about it! " |
| Strike (or hit) a raw nerve | If something you say strikes a raw nerve, it upsets someone because |
| | they are very sensitive about the subject. |
| | "Julie has just lost her job. You struck a raw nerve when you mentioned |
| | unemployment." |
| Sweet nothings | Pleasant but unimportant words that lovers say to each other are |
| | called sweet nothings. |
| | "He whispered sweet nothings in her ear as they danced." |
| Take a fancy | If you take a fancy to someone or something, you develop a |
| | fondness or begin to like them. |
| | "I think John has taken a fancy to the new intern!" |
| Take a load/weight off somebody's mind | If something takes a load or weight off somebody's mind, it brings |
| | great relief because a problem has been solved. |
| | "When the company closed down, finding a new job took a load off |
| | Tom's mind." |
| To be on tenterhooks | A person who is on tenterhooks is in a state of anxious suspense |
| | or excitement. |
| Thank one's lucky stars | When someone says they can thank their lucky stars, they are |
| | expressing heartfelt gratitude or feeling particularly fortunate. |
| | "I can thank my lucky stars I wasn't on the train that crashed." |
| That's the last straw! | To say 'that's the last straw' expresses exasperation at the last in a |
| | series of unpleasant events which makes the situation intolerable. |
| | "After a harassing day of negotiating, the traffic jam was the last straw!" |
| Think the world of someone | If you think the world of someone, you like or admire them very much. |
| | "She's a wonderful grandmother - the children think the world of her." |
| Thinly veiled | If something such as a feeling or reaction is thinly veiled, it is barely |
| | hidden. |
| | "His disappointment was thinly veiled when he saw what he had won." |
| A thorn in your side | If you say someone is a thorn in your side, you mean |
| | that they continually irritate or annoy you. |
| Tongue-tied | If you are tongue-tied, you have difficulty in expressing yourself |
| | because you are nervous or embarrassed. |
| | "At the start of the interview I was completely tongue-tied, |
| | but little by little I relaxed." |
| Tug at the heartstrings | To say that something or someone tugs at the heartstrings means |
| | that they cause others to feel a great deal of pity or sadness. |
| | "The hospital's plea for donors tugged at the heartstrings of millions |
| | of viewers." |
| not turn a hair | If someone does not turn a hair, they show no emotion in |
| | circumstances when a reaction is expected. |
| | "When the police came to arrest him, he didn't turn a hair." |
| Over the moon | If you are over the moon, you are absolutely delighted. |
| | "We were all over the moon when we heard the good news." |
| On the same wavelength | To say that two people are on the same wavelength means |
| | that they understand each other well because they share |
| | the same interests and opinions.< |
| Weak at the knees | If a person is weak at the knees, they are temporarily barely able |
| | to stand because of emotion, fear or illness. |
| | "The shock of the announcement made me go weak at the knees." |
| Wear your heart on your sleeve | If you wear your heart on your sleeve, you allow others |
| | to see your emotions or feelings. |
| | "You could see she was hurt - she wears her heart on her sleeve." |
| Written all over (someone's) face | When someone's feelings or thoughts are very clear, you can say |
| | that they are written all over their face. |
| | "Her affection for her grandson was written all over the old lady's face." |
| At one's wits' end | If you are at your wits' end, you are very worried or anxious |
| | about something, and you don't know what to do. |
| | "When her son dropped out of school for the second time, |
| | Susan was at her wits' end." |
| |
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