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My Experience

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My Experience
My experience, I feel this semester, only the first of many I will experience, I think it will be a successful one. The objective of the course was to make us better writers, and I certainly have improved. I learned what makes a paper good or bad, what makes it easier to write a good paper, and how the manner that the class is held makes a difference. Also the change has not come easy with the economy being bad and the type of business that I am in.
I am automotive technician; I have being a mechanic for many yrs. Business has always been good and the economy as well. Not till two yrs ago when everything came down. Thinsg began to get worse as the days went by. As today people are not spending their money in things that are not of necessary. My customer have told me many times that they don’t have money and its very difficult on them. I have very high hopes that the economy will eventually get stable.
However, I feel I should have taken my high school English class more seriously. The teacher graded rather leniently, which attributed to my lack of effort. The amount of work required to get an "A" paper in my high school was about equivalent to the work required to get a "C" paper here at Rio Hondo It was a very difficult adjustment for me. I went through high school writing what I now know to be not-so-good papers, but received good grades for them. Then, I thought they were good because of the grades I got. Now, I find myself working over twice as hard for my grade. Even though it’s being difficult because I have not being in school setting for many years, At times I have gone sleep late and study much hard. The when I was In high school.
This isn't a completely bad thing, though. It teaches me that my writing really wasn't very good. What I used to think deserved an "A" I now realize only does deserve a "C." Now I have to take my writing more seriously, and try much harder at producing good output. Also, my goal isn't to write a paper that will get a good grade. Now, my goal is to write better papers. I write to become a better writer. Also to have better understanding of literature and the whole concept of reading and writing. That is, I feel a very important thing that I learned this semester. I don't think, "O.K., I have to get at least a B on this paper." Instead, I think, "O.K., I have to use this assignment to improve my work." This is a much better approach because it causes the writer to try to produce a well written piece. Writing for a grade often causes the writer to do just enough to get by. Also i learned that it is much easier to produce a good piece of writing if I am kept interested. As towards the future hope to continue in school and learning more.

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