
Mistaken Identity

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Mistaken Identity
5. Mistaken Identity
A mistaken identity in the play could be the identity of Eva Smith who throughout her life claims to be Eva Smith, Daisy Renton and even Miss Birling. This idea of mistaken identity brought the family to believe that Eva Smith, Daisy Renton and Miss Birling were not the same girl as the Inspector only showed them the images of this girl one person at a time. Another mistaken identity could be that, when the Birling’s receive a call from the hospital, they automatically assumed the girl that died in the infirmary to be Eva Smith, whom Inspector Goole was questioning them about
6. Plot
An Inspector Calls conforms to this idea of plot as the entire play is focussed around one major story line; the death of Eva Smith.
7. The denouement
An Inspector Calls ends on a cliffhanger meaning we never know the true meaning behind the death of Eva Smith and in fact never actually find out who the girl was that died in the infirmary towards the end of the play. This ending of the play is plausible in the sense that it keeps the readers interest, leaves the reader asking questions, but at the same time it isn’t as there is a lot more needed to know about the death of the girl in the infirmary and whether the Birling’s do in fact have a connection to her death.
8. The unities
An Inspector Calls focuses on just one storyline by keeping the focus on the central main characters and not drifting between different scenes. In relation to time, the timescale is within one evening and generally follows the idea of real time as it does not skip from morning to night (etc). also with ‘place’ the play is only set in one area, which is the Birling dining room
9. The Greek Chorus
The Inspector plays the role of the Greek Chorus


5. He listens very closely and only responds to Eric with questions to make sure that the rest of the family (and possibly the audience) understand the ins and outs of his relationship with Eva Smith.
7. The Inspector takes

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