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Memories of My Town

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Memories of My Town
|Memories of My Town |
| |
|When I recall the days |
|That saw my childhood of yore |
|Beside the verdant shore |
|Of a murmuring lagoon; |
|When I remember the sighs |
|Of the breeze that on my brow |
|Sweet and caressing did blow |
|With coolness full of delight; |
| |
|When I look at the lily white |
|Fills up with air violent |
|And the stormy element |
|On the sand doth meekly sleep; |
|When sweet 'toxicating scent |
|From the flowers I inhale |
|Which at the dawn they exhale |
|When at us it begins to peep; |
| |
|I sadly recall your face, |
|Oh precious infancy, |
|That a mother lovingly |
|Did succeed to embellish. |
|I remember a simple town; |
|My cradle, joy and boon, |
|Beside the cool lagoon |
|The seat of all my wish. |
| |
|Oh, yes! With uncertain pace |
|I trod your forest lands, |
|And on your river banks |
|A pleasant fun I found; |
|At your rustic temple I prayed |
|With a little boy's simple faith |
|And your aura's flawless breath |
|Filled my heart with joy profound. |
|Saw I God in the grandeur |
|Of your woods which for centuries stand; |
|Never did I understand |
|In your bosom what sorrows were; |
|While I gazed on your azure sky |
|Neither love nor tenderness |
|Failed me, 'cause my happiness |
|In the heart of nature rests there. |
| |
|Tender childhood, beautiful town, |
|Rich fountain of happiness, |
|Of harmonious melodies, |
|That drive away my sorrow! |
|Return thee to my heart, |
|Bring back my gentle hours |
|As do the birds when the flow'rs |
|Would again begin to blow! |
|But, alas, adieu! E'er watch |
|For your peace, joy and repose, |
|Genius of good who kindly dispose |
|Of his blessings with amour; |
|It's for thee my fervent pray'rs, |
|It's for thee my constant desire |
|Knowledge ever to acquire |
|And may God keep your candour! |

The ability to focus, and channel our concentration into the task at hand, whether its work, reading, or play is more important than ever today. The near constant distractions of the digital age, manifest as ADD, memory lapses, low test scores, mood swings, or senior moments when we cannot find our car keys. The desire to enhance mental alertness is not a new thing, in ancient Greece students would braid rosemary into their hair to help them with their exams. The bracing scent of rosemary oil diffused into the air in your workspace can still help your attention span as you slog through a weary afternoon. Today we have a wide selection of aromatherapy essential oils to help enhance our mental alertness. The cooling and refreshing aroma of peppermint, clears your mind giving you an immediate mood uplift. Basil essential oil is an excellent, indeed perhaps the best, aromatic nerve tonic giving a calming energy that is great for the work environment. According to
"It clears the head, relieves intellectual fatigue, and gives the mind strength and clarity."
The high notes of citrus essential oils, lemon, orange, and grapefruitall energize the mind and mood, helping to improve mental clarity and memory. The fresh camphorous scent of eucalyptus is especially helpful when mental sluggishness is brought about by sinus congestion or a head cold. There are many other herbs that support cognitive function, Ginkgo biloba and Centella asiatica and Lycopodium clavatum all have a good history of use in Asian cultures. Bacopa monniera, called Brahmi in India, improves intellectual function primarily by balancing the chemicals gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glutamate in the brain. Adaptogens and stimulants like Panax ginseng and Eleutheroalso work to boost mood, stamina and improve memory. Use stimulating herbs in moderation to be sure that they do not interfere with getting a good nights sleep. Many people do not sleep long enough or sleep well enough to ensure the body/mind is rested and alert for the coming day.

|2 parts gotu kola dried leaves |
|1 part rosemary fresh or dried |
|1/4 part dried panax ginseng powder or eleuthero root |
|This mildly stimulating tea will help your focus and concentration at work or study. Do not take too close to bedtime, as it could keep you |
|awake. 395 |
|Ingredients: Rosemary * Ginseng * Gotu Kola * Eleuthero ginseng * |

|Allergies and asthma improve with ginkgo. The leaves contains anti-inflammatory chemicals and natural antihistamines and ginkgolides, which |
|inhibit a chemical involved in asthma and allergies. Ginkgo helps to restore better blood flow to the brain, which can help memory, |
|concentration and mental focus. Circulation also improves the genital blood flow in both men and women, making for higher libido and enhanced |
|enjoyment. 317 |
|Ingredients: Ginkgo biloba * |
|Prep: Herbal Tea |

Here is a fistful of five foods for the memory which are both respected by science and revered by the ancients.
One of the most famous memory-enhancing herbs is rosemary. The motto of the plant has long been “rosemary for remembrance” and now modern science knows why. Rosemary is rich in the anti-oxidant, carnosic acid which dilates the cerebral vascular tissues. Studies have shown that even the smell of rosemary can improve memory performance in office workers. Other herbs that may help memory include “the three Gs”: ginko, ginseng, and gotu kola. No one is sure how they work quite yet but we do know they stimulate the brain’s neurotransmitters.
Two: TEA
Another food with a long pedigree and which seems to have many benefits on the brain is usually served as a beverage, tea. About 5000 years ago the inventor and Chinese emperor Shen Nung discovered that the combination of a certain wild leaf in hot water produced an invigorating beverage. He called it “cha” from the Chinese word meaning “to investigate” a word which we now know as chai or tea. Tea’s benefits may spring from its healthy combination of anti-oxidants and caffeine. According to a study by the University of Limburg in the Netherlands, “the most important consequence of [caffeine’s] adenosine antagonism … might lead to improvement of higher cognitive functions, particularly memory.” The antioxidants in tea are called polyphenols which have repeatedly been shown to improve cognitive function and memory. Tea also contains a calming amino acid called theanine which helps reduce “the jitters” and keeps the mind relaxed and focused. Perhaps the best news is that tea has up to 10X the polyphenols found in foods like fruits and vegetables.
Let’s not knock our friends, fruits and vegetables, however. Man cannot live (or learn) on herbs and tea alone, we need food. The thing to remember about memory boosting foods is color. You want dark reds, blues and greens. Apples contain quercetin which protects against memory loss. Blueberries (and red beets) have another great anti-oxidant called anthocyanin which performs the same function. Red onions and grapes contain both. Combine red and blue and you get the purple of eggplant, a food rich in nasunin which protects the lipids in our brain tissue. Dark green vegetables like broccoli, spinach, brussels sprouts and romaine lettuce are high in folic acid which several studies have show to prevent and even reverse memory loss.
Sushi, anyone? The omega-3 fatty acids found in fish (and nuts) are great for the brain. Sea swimmers like mackerel, herring, eel and tuna are also chock full of phosphatidylserine. You don’t have to remember these fancy chemical names, just remember that these oils contain nutrients that are not made in the body, so it’s important to eat plenty.
Honey is a delightful sweet that every culture in history has enjoyed. The sweet product made by bees from flower nectar has been used for thousands of years in food, medicine and even religion. Now, based on a study by the University of Waikato in New Zealand, honey might start being marketed as the next liquid gold for the brain. This research suggests that a diet sweetened with honey could both lower anxiety and improve memory. What an excellent excuse to not skip dessert.
It may not be entirely scientific to suggest, but a nice cup of tea and a slice of honey-soaked baklava (containing omega-3 rich nuts of course) might be the perfect pre-study snack after a healthy dinner.
Overall, it appears that a good memory might not just be the result of what you put in your eyes and ears but what you put in your mouth as well.

Here's a look at several natural substances shown to help improve memory naturally:

1) Antioxidants
Following a diet high in antioxidants may help shield brain cells from aging-related damage. Since studies on the health effects of antioxidant supplements have yielded mixed results, many medical experts recommend upping your intake by includingantioxidant-rich foods in your diet.
2) Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Omega-3 fatty acids (a type of healthy fat with inflammation-fighting effects) may help slow cognitive decline in older adults, according to a research review published in 2009. Widely available in supplement form, omega-3s are also found naturally in foods like fish, nuts, and flaxseed.

3) Herbs

Although there is a general lack of scientific support for the use of herbs in preserving brain health, some research suggests that pairing ginkgo biloba and ginseng may help enhance cognitive function and improve memory in middle-aged adults. However, in a research review published in 2007, investigators found "inconsistent and unconvincing" evidence of ginkgo's memory-boosting benefits for people with cognitive impairment or dementia.

More Ways to Improve Memory

Along with following a healthy diet, these practices are considered essential in preserving brain health and improving your memory:

• getting regular exercise (especially cardiovascular exercise)
• maintaining social connections
• managing your stress (through mind-body techniques like yoga and deep breathing, for instance)
• keeping your mind stimulated with challenging activities (such as doing a crossword puzzle or learning to play a musical instrument)
There's also emerging evidence that practicingmeditation may help improve your memory. However, more research needs to be conducted before any conclusions about meditation's memory-improving effects can be drawn.

1. Bilberry - It is an effective herb for improving memory. This herb is also known for its ability to improve eyesight. It is also responsible for improving the function of brain. It is a powerful herb for improving memory by increasing the circulation and flow of blood. It is also a potent antioxidant which prevents free radical damage to brain.

2. Brahmi (Bacopa monniera) - Initially brahmi was used for treating the problem of mental illness which includes epilepsy also. It is an effective herbal remedy for improving memory. It elevates the function of brain, strengthens the memory, reduces the effects of stress; enhance mood and increase concentration and mental focus.

3. Ginger - It supports the central nervous system and also has the ability to improve the circulation. Basically it acts as a catalyst for other herbs used for improving memory and concentration. It helps the other herbs to do their work more effectively.

4. Rosemary - Traditionally this herb has been used to improve and enhance the capabilities of memory. This is said to be an excellent antioxidant herb and it is also considered to be a good brain tonic.

Ginseng is available in American, Asian and Siberian varieties. Only American and Asian ginseng, however, contain ginsenosides. Ginsenosides are the steriod compounds attributed with making ginseng effective for everything from improving memory to lowering blood sugar and preventing respiratory infections. Although the National Institutes of Health warns that additional research is needed, it claims that early studies of ginseng's benefits demonstrate the herb modestly improves concentration and mental performance in young adults and elderly people. In addition, ginseng's positive effect on the brain make it a potential treatment for dementia.
Although most often used to enhance the flavor of food, rosemary can have an added benefit for some people: a better memory. When distilled into an essential oil, rosemary can be inhaled via aromatherapy. This immediately stimulates the brain. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, rosemary aromatherapy may increase concentration, improve your memory and even reduce anxiety. Although this herb may enhance your memory just by inhaling it, you should never drink rosemary in its essential oil form. This can make you sick.
Gotu Kola
Researchers at Oregon Health and Science University tested the effects of gotu kola on the brains of mice in order to clarify claims by herbal retailers that the herb could improve circulation, increase energy levels and enhance the memory. The mice used in the tests were specifically bred to suffer from cognition and memory problems. The gotu kola supplement normalized the test subjects' dementia-like behavior. The scientists involved in the study feel that gotu kola shows promise as a memory enhancer and a treatment that could possibly slow the progression of Alzheimer's.
Ginko Bilboa
A Chinese herb, ginko bilboa has long been marketed as a memory enhancer. A 2006 study performed by the UCLA Brain Research Institute validates that claim. During the study, subjects age 45 to 75 suffering from memory loss were given either 120mg of ginko bilboa twice each day or a placebo for six months. The subjects receiving the ginko bilboa supplements demonstrated what researchers refer to as a "significant improvement" on tests measuring their verbal recall ability.

It’s true! You really can eat your way to optimum brain power and continue to feed your brain at any age.

The right foods will help you use your brain to the max, and the more you use it, the more you’ll challenge your brain to grow new cells, create new connections, and improve your problem-solving and memory functions.

Before I tell you about the many great foods that will keep your brain performing at its peak, remember — eatorganic foods that are fresh and as close to their natural state as possible. Also, drink plenty of pure, clean water, which is 85% of your brain’s weight.

Did you know that water can actually increase your alertness? When you’re feeling sluggish in the afternoon, instead of grabbing a caffeinated, carbonated drink, pour yourself a tall glass of purified water.
Finally, pick foods your great, great grandparents would have eaten, and stay away from so-called modern, highly processed foods that are filled with nasty chemicals. Many foods today are genetically modified. So, they are not as nutritious as organic, natural foods. And even worse, they can be dangerous to your health.
Foods that Boost Your Brain Power
Research suggests that diets rich in berries reduce, or even reverse, declining brain function.
Blueberries, in particular, have been shown to have the ability to improve memory and keep your brain “young.” They can also help you improve your balance and coordination.
Berries are rich in antioxidants which protect your brain cells from oxidation and free radical damage. This means antioxidants may slow down brain aging and prevent disease, while promoting the growth of healthy brain cells. Berries are also some of the most colorful foods you can eat!
List of Healthiest Berries:
|Blueberries |Strawberries |Goji Berries |
|Blackberries |Raspberries |Mulberries |
|Red Grapes |Cranberries |Boysenberries |

Then there’s the South American Acai Berry which has more antioxidants than any other berry. Plus, it contains Omega Fatty Acids and is high in protein (I’ll tell you more about Omega Fatty Acids below).
Stick to bright colors when choosing other fruits and vegetables, too. Yellow, orange, and green vegetables are rich in beta-carotene, a powerful antioxidant that converts to vitamin A in your body. Dark leafy green vegetables and citrus fruits are packed with vitamin C.
Both vitamins are linked to improving your memory and reasoning powers and keeping your arteries functioning properly.
Foods High in Beta-Carotene & Vitamin C:
|Mangos |Tomatoes |
|Oranges |Cantaloupe |
|Carrots |Rainbow chard |
|Broccoli |Green, Red & Yellow Peppers |

Vegetables and fruits also contain natural sugars that keep you alert. Your brain needs natural sugars to function at its best.
Avocados are rich in good fat and vitamin E, while whole and sprouted grains are rich in fiber. Both are good for your circulatory system. And what’s good for your blood flow, is great for your brain.
The Importance of Essential Fatty Acids
Essential fatty acids are also necessary for maximum brain power, as well as promoting normal brain growth and development. They also have anti-inflammatory properties that help:
Prevent strokes
Improve blood circulation
Lift mood and prevent depression
Studies show that eating foods that are high in Omega Fatty Acids can reduce the risk of Alzheimer disease, too. These fatty acids also help boost memory and your ability to learn new things!
Other sources of good Omega fatty Acids are marine plants, such as blue-green algae, and nut or seed oils.
All nuts, particularly walnuts, “feed your brain” because they keep your arteries clear and boost serotonin levels. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that controls sleep, depression, memory, and other neurological processes. Raw unprocessed Organic Olive oil, Coconut Oil and hempseed oil also contain brain healthy fats, fibers, and proteins. I recommend 1-2 tablespoons daily.
Foods high in folic acid prevent brain degeneration and keep your overall nervous system healthy. Some good ones are:
|Okra |Black Beans |
|Spinach |Garbanzo Beans |
|Lentils |Romaine Lettuce |
|Collards |Black-Eyed Peas |
|Asparagus |Sunflower Seeds |

Did you know that flaxseed, and real organic chocolate are brain food, too! They’re filled with vitamin E which keeps your brain healthy later in life. Real chocolate also releases dopamine, to enhance cognition and mood.
Be sure to eat chocolate that is minimally processed and retains the most pure cacao bean. That means either 100% organic cocoa powder or a dark chocolate bar with at least 75% cacao content. You’ll need to be careful of the chocolate you buy because some chocolate manufacturers use unhealthy and unethical practices.
Vitamins & Herbs that Boost Your Brain Power
These vitamins and minerals help your memory and reasoning powers while slowing down the signs of aging.
|Vitamin A |Vitamin E |B Vitamins |
|Vitamin C |Folic Acid |Magnesium |

Some researchers suggest that the herbs ginseng and gingko have a positive impact on your brain, keeping you alert and improving memory.
Did you know? Body cleansing can help boost your brain power, too. By eliminating the toxic chemicals and heavy metals that build up in your body from your environment and diet, you can rid your brain of dangerous free radicals that may contribute to disease and poor health.
Eating the proper foods enhances your brain functions. And, using your brain for reading and learning new skills, such as a musical instrument, a new language, or computer skills — even conquering crossword puzzles regularly will keep your brain quick and nimble.
Note: Processed foods are often too starchy, fatty, and sugary and will do more harm than good for your body and brain. You want raw, organic fruit and vegetables as often as possible. Live foods present your body with beneficial energy as well as their natural nutrients.
I also recommend getting a cellphone protector for your phone to reduce any harmful radiation leaking into your brain tissue.

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