
Materialism In Affluenza, By Henry David Thoreau

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Materialism In Affluenza, By Henry David Thoreau
hen talking about of simplicity according to Henry David Thoreau I remembered a book called Affluenza. The book presents the same idea of materialism in the form of shopping as a fever, and chronic congestion as hoarding items. Affluenza uses metaphors based on diseases to showcase individual’s obsessions with material gain. Thoreau in Walden, or Life in the Woods chapter 1, Economy talked about his experience of being in a cabin for two years and 2 months. He wrought about this detachment from the everyday life as a means to encourage the reader to reassess their lives. Seeing the replica of the cabin was shocking, by today’s standards the cabin would be the size of a normal bedroom. I agree that for the most part the goal of the chapter by

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