
Lessons Atticus Learned In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Lessons Atticus Learned In To Kill A Mockingbird
The most important lesson that Atticus is teaching Jem and Scout is that they should stand up for what is right. In the story, Atticus, Jem and Scouts father, is going through a tough trial with his client Tom Robinson. Tom , a black adult male, Was falsely accused of rape by Mayella Ewell, and at that time period there was a lot of racial discrimination so they automatically assumed that the white family was telling the truth. So in ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ Atticus decides to do the right thing and show his children how to do the right thing by taking up Tom’s court case.

In the story Atticus and his family had an African American woman named Calpurnia working for them as their cook. Jem and Scout feel as if she is family and care about

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