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Is the Constitution Outdated?

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Is the Constitution Outdated?
Is the Constitution Outdated? The United States Constitution is a hotly debated topic these days. Certain interest groups are trying to amend new laws very regularly. These special interest groups claim that some of the amendments are outdated and need to be changed to fit today’s requirements. Probably the most debated amendment would be the second amendment, which protects your right to bear arms. The second amendment is especially important to me because I feel that everybody should have the right to protect themselves by any means necessary, including assault weapons. Special interest groups are targeting these “Military style weapons” saying that nobody needs one of these weapons to defend themselves. I strongly disagree. These “Military style weapons” are extremely effective for home defense if used properly. Assault weapons are often used in mass shootings. And since these weapons are allowed to be owned and operated under the second amendment, special interest groups and law makers are targeting the second amendment and saying that it is “Outdated and needs to be updated”. They argue that the founding fathers never intended for assault weapons to even exist. They want to ban and restrict assault weapons. I see banning or restricting these weapons as a violation to my constitutional rights because it limits my options for personal defense. It creates an uneven playing field because felons and criminals alike can still get these weapons, and that has been proved many times within the last few years.
It’s not a gun issue here in the United States, it’s a mental health issue. Nearly all of the mass shootings of late have been committed by somebody with a mental health issue. So instead of targeting assault weapons as the fault, maybe special interest groups need to re-evaluate and target the issue of mental health.

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