
If I Had Known, I Wouldn't Have Gone There

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If I Had Known, I Wouldn't Have Gone There
‘If I’d known, I wouldn’t have come’
The importance of information in the migratory experience

Diana Mata-Codesal
Final Paper
January 2006
Brighton, United Kingdom

“If I´d known, I wouldn´t ha ve come”

Table of Contents

1. Introduction ............................................................................................ 2
2. Literature dealing with information ........................................................ 3
3. Migrants´ networks ................................................................................ 4
3.1 Brokerage within the networks: the professionalization of the solidarity ................................................................................................. 5
3.2 “Failed” migrants: the social shame .................................................. 7
4. Mass media or the distortion of reality. .................................................. 9
5. Consequences ....................................................................................... 10
6. Improving information ......................................................................... 12
6.1 Difficulties to improve information ................................................. 12
7. Final remarks........................................................................................ 14
Annex....................................................................................................... 16
Bibliography ............................................................................................ 18


“If I´d known, I wouldn´t ha ve come”

“If I’d known, I wouldn’t have come”

Quelle France j´ai découverte! Ce n´est pas du tout ce que je m´attendais à trouver (...). Moi qui croyais que la France c e n´ét ait pas l´exil
(elghorba). Il faut vraiment arriv er ici en France pour s avoir la vérité. Ici on entend dire les c hoses qu´on ne nous dit jamais là-bas au pays; on entend tout dire: «Ce n´est pas une vie d´humains; c´est une vie qu´on ne peut

Citations: from Sayad, 1991 , refer to Mohand A., a 21-year-old migrant in France fro m Kabylie (Algeria) Une pirogue 50 places avec un bon mo teur (voir plus b as les conseils de sécurité) n e coû te pas plus d e 3 millions de CFA (4500€) soit à peine 90€ par passag er (60.0 00CFA)

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