
How Far Was Concern Over National Security 1906 Analysis

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How Far Was Concern Over National Security 1906 Analysis
Extended response – Henry Oldfield
How Far Was Concern Over National Security The Real Reason For Liberal Reforms Passed between 1906-1914?

By the early twentieth century the Liberal Government was concerned that Britain was losing its status as a major industrial and military power. Concern over national security played a considerable part in persuading the government that reform was needed. However, this was only one of a handful of factors that influenced the government. As well as national security, the Government was also concerned over the national efficiency of the country. The new Labour party competed with the Liberals and promised the country social reforms, and in order for the Liberal Government to stay in power they had to offer similar reforms in order not to lose votes. Although, the simple change of attitudes within the Liberal party promoted the idea of municipal socialism and ultimately brought about reform. Lastly, the result of poverty in
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Since 1884, most working class men had the vote and the Liberals wanted to attract those votes. However, by 1906 a new party, the Labour Party, was competing for the same votes. If the Liberals were seen as unsympathetic to the poor, what might happen at elections in the future? Although the Labour Party was insignificant with relation to the Liberals in 1906, it did give cause for concern as the growth of Labour showed that the workingman felt that they needed representation within the political system, that the Labour party offered them. The threat of Labour as a motive for reform before the twentieth century was not large. However, the threat of Labour grew, and the pressure began to be felt from 1909 onwards due to high unemployment caused by Britain’s recession. It was therefore politically advantageous of the Liberal government to offer social reform, even if they did not fully believe in the principle of the

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