
Heathcliff's Injustice

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Heathcliff's Injustice
A character that responds in a significant way to injustice was Heathcliff. The reason why Heathcliff was injustice was because he was seeking revenge. Heathcliff was a horrible person and not a very likeable character within Wuthering Heights, Heathcliff I believe takes his role as being evil and injustice because he was treated critically at the very start of the story by his family members, excluding Catherine. With Heathcliff being an orphan with absolutely no family ties and no land, he was the lowest on the totem pole. The fact that Hindley denies Heathcliff to get an education implies that he is trying to force Heathcliff to become a servant. So, it complies to the fact that Heathcliff wanting revenge ties to how the Earnshaws treated

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