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Introduction 5
Background Research 6
Problem Statement 7
Research Objective 8
Research Question 8
Significance of the Research 9

Introduction 10
Fear and Anxiety 10
Imitation 11
Physical Aggression 11
Conclusion 12
Knowledge 13

Introduction 14
Research Design 14
Sampling and Techniques 14

Graph and explanation 15 – 32

Discussion 33
Conclusion 34 - 35
Recommendation 35

Appendix (Questionnaire) 36 - 38
Reference 39

Abstract / Summary

The purpose of this study is to identify the effect of violent movies shown on Home Box Office (HBO) towards children’s attitudes. Home Box Office (HBO) had shown all kind of movies that are available. All the people in Malaysia mostly they have ASTRO in their house. Whether the old or the young people, they love to watch movies on the Home Box Office (HBO). With all the exposure of violent in the movies, the children’s attitudes may be affected by it. The findings from the questionnaire that were handed down to the respondents, most of the respondents agree that violence movies shown on Home Box Office (HBO) can really affect children’s attitudes. The respondents also agree that by watching too much violence movies can also affect children’s mental development and health.


My name is Puteri Hajar, as the group leader to my group; I would like to thank the members of my group, Siti Arfah, Aziera Anuar, Najib Faisal and Muhammad Nur Shafiq because they have worked hard and helped to complete this research up to this point. I am especially grateful to my lecturer, Madam Suzie Lagis because she also has helped us, giving support and guide us to complete this research. I would also like to thank our respondents were willing to answer our questionnaires.

LIST OF GRAPH No. | Graph | Page | 1. | Graph 1.1: The distribution of sample by gender | 16 | 2. | Graph 1.2: The distribution of sample by age | 17 | 3. | Graph 1.3: The distribution of sample by profession | 18 | 4. | Graph 1.4: Children or sibling aged 15 and below | 19 | 5. | Graph 1.5: The distribution of sample by having ASTRO in their house | 20 | 6. | Graph 1.6: Home Box Office (HBO) channel | 21 | 7. | Graph 1.7: The distribution of sample that watched HBO movie channel withchildren or siblings | 22 | 8. | Graph 2.8: Violent movies effect children attitudes on aggression and rudeness | 23 | 9. | Graph 2.9: Violence and aggressive movies attract children more than cartoons | 24 | 10. | Graph 2.10: Misinterpreted violence in the movies | 25 | 11. | Graph 2.11: The physical violent will be imitated by the children | 26 | 12. | Graph 2.12: The bully case among school children might be the effect from violent movies. | 27 | 13. | Graph 2.13: Movies are one of the reason children cannot distinguish good and bad attitudes. | 28 | 14. | Graph 2.14: Watching too much violent movies can affect children health and mental development. | 29 | 15. | Graph 3.15: Parents nowadays did not control and prevent what children’s is watching. | 30 | 16. | Graph 3.16: Parents should prevent their children from watching too much violent movies. | 31 | 17. | Graph 3.17: Parents should be aware of what their children are watching | 32 | 18. | Graph 3.18: Parents should limit the amount of movies viewing (per day) | 33 |


1. Introduction

The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of violent movies shown on Home Box Office (HBO) towards children’s attitudes. With the latest development in the television, the children attitudes may be affected by the violence that the television have.
Home Box Office (HBO) is a channel on Astro. Astro is the brand name of the Malaysian direct broadcast satellite (DBS) Pay TV service. It transmits digital satellite television and radio to households in Malaysia & Brunei. The names Astro are an acronym for All-Asian Satellite Television and Radio Operator.
Home Box Office (HBO) had shown all kind of movies that are available. All the people in Malaysia mostly they have aAstro in their house. Whether the old or the young people, they love to watch movies on the Home Box Office (HBO). With all the exposure of violent in the movies, the children’s attitudes may be affected by it.
The finding of this case study was to identifying the effect of violent movies shown on Home Box Office (HBO) towards the children’s attitudes. Television violent exposure to young children could effects their language and cognitive development, lead to behaviour problems, rude behaviour, imitation and aggression. Family played a very important role in controlling what their children watched on television and on internet.

Keywords: Children’s attitudes, aggression, rude behaviour and imitation.

2. Background Research

This chapter mainly highlights the background of the research on the effect of violent movies shown on Home Box Office (HBO) towards children’s attitudes.
Television are an important tool for most people, young or old, as today most information are delivered to the public via this technology. With the emergent of this media and the production of various programs, television has caught the attention of most people.
This research was looking at a few effects of violent movies shown on Home Box Office (HBO) towards children’s attitudes. How violent movies shown on Home Box Office (HBO) can affect children’s attitudes? In which way? There a so many negative attitudes that can be affected on children by watching television.
A violent movie shown on Home Box Office (HBO) really gives an affect to children’s attitudes such as aggression, imitation and rudeness. Aggression is behaviour, or a disposition, that are forceful, hostile or attacking. Children nowadays they do what they seen. They imitate what other had done. Imitations are an advanced behaviour whereby an individual observes and replicates another 's. There also rudeness. Rudeness is verbal abuse of people who are not in a position to respond.
It is crucial to look at how violent movies can affect the children’s attitudes just by watching movies.

3. Problem Statement

Movies are accessible. Anytime if you wanted to watch movies, just switch on the television and pick channel that shows movies, the television are on and there are lots of channel that shows movies. For the children, sometimes they just watched what their parents are watching.
Looking at this scenario, it’s still not clear why parent can allowed media to be in these young children room, with access to various movies and leaved them to watched movies by their own. One possibility might be that parents believed that media could offer a positive learning environment, and that children could developed certain skills from viewing television. But actually movies are one of the reasons why the children’s attitudes changed. Children cannot really distinguish good and bad. They still do not know that movies are real or just an act. They just know to watched and see every movement that the actor or the actress done. Violence that are presented as sanitized or glamorized poses are much greater risked of adverse effects on children than violence that is presented with negative outcomes such as pain and suffering for its victims or negative consequences for its perpetrators.
For example, the person in the movies show gets bowled over by another character and they get back up without being harmed. Children begun to believed that violence doesn’t really hurt others. Kids feel that if they copied the criminal action they will be a hero too. The hero that commits the crime is glamorized. There is nothing heroic about violence and it is wrong to show kids that it is. Children begin to think that criminals are powerful role models.
Parents as someone that the children respect and love, should mentoring and controlling what are their children is watching to prevent a negative attitude, imitation and aggression behaviour.

4. Research Objective

This paper aims to achieve the following objectives:-
• To identify if the violent movies shown on Home Box Office (HBO) influenced children’s attitudes on the aggression. • To identify if the violent movies shown on Home Box Office (HBO) influenced children’s attitudes on violence imitation. • To identify if the violent movies shown on Home Box Office (HBO) promote the rudeness to the children.

5. Research Question

These are the research questions for the intended study: • How violent movies shown on Home Box Office (HBO) can influence children attitudes on the aggression? • How violent movies shown on Home Box Office can influence children’s attitudes on violence imitation? • How violent movies shown on Home Box Office (HBO) promote rudeness?

6. Significance of Research

The present study embarks on the effect of violent movies shown on Home Box Office (HBO) towards children’s attitudes. It’s important to highlight factors affecting children’s attitudes developed by the movies violence. It is very cruel when we see children nowadays increasingly behave badly just because of movies.
Parents as the main role in the children life should prevent violent movies from the children. Parents can take positive steps to assured that their children do not fall prey to the negative effects of media violence.
There are several ways in which parents can protect their children from the influence of violent programming. Here are a few examples:
• Be aware of the programs that children are watching. Watch with them.
• Encourage children to become more aware of physical and emotional violence in the television programs that they watch. Children are not aware of cruel or unkind acts they see on their favourite shows.
• Do not allow children to watch shows known to be violent. Explain what is wrong with the program.
• Explain the difference between violence on movies and realty. Indicate that actors are not actually hurt or killed, in real life results are not the same. Tell them that violence hurts people either physically or emotionally.
• Limit the amount of movies viewing (per day)
• Criticize violent shows in front of children. Tell your children violence is not the way to solve the problems.

7. Literature Review
7.1 Introduction
The purposes of this study are to study the effect of violent movies shown on Home Box Office (HBO) towards children’s attitudes. This chapter reviews the literature studies available on the effect of violent movies shown on Home Box Office (HBO) towards children’s attitudes.

7.2 Fear and Anxiety
Children can not only witness and share emotions experienced by media characters, but also respond directly to emotionally charged events depicted in the media. Movies such as Monster House, Corpse Bride, and Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix are just a few examples of horror-filled content that is targeted to children. Classic Disney films such as Bambi, Snow White, and The Lion King can also are upsetting to very young children. Even programs not designed to be scary sometimes cause fear among younger age groups.
According to Barbara J. Wilson (2008), most pre-schoolers and elementary school children have experienced short-term fright reactions to the media. Furthermore, many of these children report that they regret having seen a particular scary program or movie. In one nationally representative survey, 62 percent of parents of two- to seventeen-year-olds agreed that their children had “sometimes become scared that something they saw in a movie or on TV might happen to them.” The more pressing question concerns the long-term ramifications of such emotional reactions.

7.3 Imitation
Children imitated people in their immediate surroundings or they imitated characters in the media. Indeed, children as young as one are capable of imitating simple behaviours displayed on movies.
Again, according to Barbara J. Wilson (2008), children are more likely imitated observed behaviours that are rewarded than those that are punished. Children imitated behaviours that produce no consequences. The type of media role model also makes a difference. Children are most likely learned from models that are attractive and from those they perceived as similar to themselves.

7.4 Physical aggression

Children and especially boys who had watched the violent program committed significantly more intentional acts of aggression such as hitting, kicking, and shoving.
According Haejung Paik and George Comstock (2005), animated and fantasy violence had a stronger effect on aggression than more realistic programming did, which challenges the claim that cartoons are innocuous. The effect of television violence on aggression also varied with age: the effect was greatest on preschool children younger than six. The effects are slightly larger on boys than on girl.

7.5 Conclusion
Children watching too much of movies during their growing can affect their mental development, health, conversation with adults and their interaction with other children. Children get very much attracted to the roles that involve interesting characters. They try to imitate such roles. When we have 'heroic ' characters that are full of mean jokes, deception of drinking and violence; there is no exaggeration in saying that the child is not secure in such environment.
Too much television and movies can be detrimental:
• Children who consistently spend more than 4 hours per day watching TV are more likely to be overweight.
• Kids who view violent acts are more likely to show aggressive behaviour but also fear that the world is scary and that something bad will happen to them.
Children of young ages are easily influenced by what they see and hear. Many parents out there feel children are not influenced by what they see or hear on movies but there are some parents that feel their children are easily influenced by what they see.
Movies can corrupt a mind of a child by making them think that violence is a way to solve their problems. Movies have some sort of conflict involving the protagonist. To resolve the clash, some characters use violence to solve the clash. After a child views a character on movie solve his or her problem with violence, the child will assume that he or she can act in the same manner to get rid of their problem.
So it is essential for parents to monitor the media content their children view and find attractive. Such parental involvement is arguably more important than establishing rules about how much time children can spend watching movies or playing video games. Guiding children’s media choices and helping children become critical consumers of media content can foster the pro-social benefits of spending time in front of a screen while preventing some of the risks.

7.6 Knowledge

This research mainly highlights about the effect of violent movies shown on Home Box Office (HBO) towards children’s attitudes. From what that been seen and read, there are so many negative attitudes that can give effects to the children.
The children’s negative attitude is:
• Aggression
• Children who viewed aggressive programs showed significantly greater increases in aggressive behaviour than those who watched non aggressive programs.
• Children disrupt lessons in school and hurt, intimidate and frighten other children

• Imitation
• Children mostly do what they saw. They start to imitate any of the violence character like kicking, screaming and more.

• Rudeness
• Children start to believe that what they saw is real and it is okay to act or be someone like the character the saw. They become ruder to their parents and their teacher.

8. Methodology
8.1 Introduction
This chapter presents the research methods used in the present study. The studies are quantitative in its attempt to provide detail information on the effect of violent movies shown on Home Box Office (HBO) towards children’s attitudes. Survey method was used to gather all the data that provide quantitative description of relationship among variables using questionnaires as an instrument.

8.2 Research Design
This chapter focuses on the methodology of how the research was being carried out. This research was using survey as the method. Therefore, questionnaires are used as its instrument tool to do the survey and to collect all the data that are related to this research. The questionnaire was handed down to the respondents that whoever is available.

8.3 Sampling Technique
This research are using the non-probability sampling; convenience sampling. By using the convenience sampling, the researcher just select a random respondent whoever happened to be available. The advantages of this type of sampling are the availability and the quickness with which data can be gathered. The disadvantages are the risk that the sample might not represented the population as a whole, and it might be biased by volunteers.


Graph 1.1: The distribution of sample by gender

Based on the graph, 56.7 % of the respondents to this research are female with the highest frequency by 34 respondents. The percentage for male only 43.3 % and the frequency for male are 24 people as the respondents.

Graph 1.2: The distribution of sample by age

Graph 1.2 shows that the 71.7 % of the respondents is aged between 20 to 30 years old with the frequency of 43 people. While the respondent that aged between 30 to 40 years old, the frequency is 10 with the percentage of 16.7 %. Meanwhile, the percentage of the respondents that aged 40 to 50 is 11.7 % with the frequency of 7 people.

Graph 1.3: The distribution of sample by profession

Based on the graph 1.3, the frequency of the respondents that choose executive and young executive as their profession are 11 and the percentage of both professions is the same and it is 18.3 %. The highest profession of the respondents is student with 63.3 % and the frequency of the student is 38 respondents.

Graph 1.4: Children or sibling aged 15 and below

Graph 1.4 shows that most of the respondents choose yes as the answer to the question of “Do you have a child or a sibling that aged 15 and below? “ with the frequency of 34 respondents and the percentage is 55 %. Whereby, another 45 % of the respondents choose no as the answer and the frequency is 26 respondents.

Graph 1.5: The distribution of sample by having ASTRO in their house

Graph 1.5 shows that 86.7 % of the respondents have ASTRO in their house with the frequency of 52 respondents and the frequency of the respondents who does not have ASTRO in their house is 8 with 13.3 % as the percentage.

Graph 1.6: Home Box Office (HBO) channel

Graph 1.6 shows that most of the respondent purchase Home Box Office (HBO) movie channel with the percentage of 66.7 % and the frequency is 40. While the percentage of the respondent that did not purchase Home Box Office (HBO) movie channel is 33.3 % with 20 respondents as the frequency.

Graph 1.7: The distribution of sample that watched HBO movie channel with children or siblings

Based on the graph, only 22 of the respondents did not watched movies on Home Box Office (HBO) channel with their children or siblings with the percentage of 36.7 %. Meanwhile, another 38 people watched movies on Home Box Office (HBO) channel with their children and siblings and the percentage is 63.3 %.

Graph 2.8: Violent movies affect children attitudes on aggression and rudeness

Based on the graph 2.8, most respondents choose agree as the answer to the question “Do you think violent movies can affect children’s attitudes on aggression and rudeness?” with 45% as the percentage and the frequency is 27. The other 25 respondents choose strongly agree with the percentage of 41.7%. While the percentage of respondent that choose not sure as the answer is 6.7% with the frequency of 4 respondents and another 3.3% of the respondents choose disagree and the frequency is 2. The other 2 respondents choose strongly disagree with the percentage of 3.3% respondent.

Graph 2.9: violence and aggressive movies attract children more than cartoons

Graph 2.9 shows that the respondents that choose strongly agree and strongly disagree have the same frequency of 8 people and the percentage is 11.7% for each answers. The highest percentage of the respondent is 33.3% with the frequency of 19 respondents. The frequency for those that choose not sure as the answer is 16 people and the percentage is 28.3%. Meanwhile, the percentage of respondents that choose disagree is 15% with the frequency of 9 respondents.

Graph 2.10: misinterpreted violence in the movies

Based on graph 2.10, the percentage for the respondents that choose strongly agree as the answer to the question “Do you think children will be misinterpreted the violence in the movies?” 10% and the frequency are 7. The percentage for agree are 58.3% with the frequency of 35 respondents. While, the frequency for the answer “not sure” are 12 respondents with the percentage 21.7%. The percentage for disagree and strongly disagree are the same, 5% for each and the frequency are also the same with 3 respondents.

Graph 2.11: The physical violent will be imitated by the children

Graphs 2.11 shows that the answer “strongly agree” and “agree” have the same amount of frequency and that is 25 respondents and the percentage for each answer “strongly agree” and “agree” are 41.7%. The percentage for the answer “not sure” is 10% with the frequency of 6 respondents. The percentage for the answer “disagree” is 1.6 with the frequency of 1 respondent. The frequency for the “strongly disagree” answer are 3 and the percentage are 5%.

Graph 2.12: The bully case among school children might be the effect from violent movies.

Based on the graph 2.12, the research found that the respondent mostly answer “agree” for the question “Do you think the bully case that happen nowadays among the school children might be the effect from the violent movies?” with the percentage of 53.3% and the frequency of the respondents are 32. While, the percentage for the answer “strongly agree” are 25.0 with the frequency of 15 respondents. For the answer “not sure” the frequency are 6 respondents and the percentage is 10%. The research also found that the frequency for the answer “disagree” is only 2 respondents with the percentage of 3.3%. Meanwhile, the percentage for “strongly disagree” are 8.3 with the frequency that higher that the “disagree” and that is 5 respondent.

Graph 2.13: Movies are one of the reason children cannot distinguish good and bad attitudes.

Based on the graph 2.13, the researcher found that the respondents are mostly choosing “agree” as the answer for the question “Do you think movies are one of the reason why children cannot really distinguish good attitudes and bad attitudes?” with the highest frequency and percentage. The frequency for “agree” are 23 respondents with the percentage of 38.3% but the researcher also found that the second highest frequency and percentage are “not sure” with the frequency of 15 respondents and the percentage are 25%. The frequency for the “strongly agree” are 10 and the percentage are 16.7. For the answer “disagree” the percentage are 13.3% with the frequency of 8 respondents. Meanwhile, the frequency for “strongly disagree” is 4 respondents with the percentage of 6.7%.

Graph 2.14: Watching too much violent movies can affect children health and mental development.

Graph 2.14 shows the result of the question “Do you think watching too mush violent movies can affect the children mental development and health?” Most of the researcher respondents choose “agree” as the answer; with the percentage of 28.3% and the frequency are 23 respondents. The percentage for “strongly agree” is 16.8% with the frequency of 10 respondents. Meanwhile, the frequency for the answer “not sure” is 14 and the percentage is 23.3%. 10% of the respondents choose “disagree” as the answer and the frequency are 6. Lastly, the percentage for “strongly disagree” is 11.2% with the frequency of 7 respondents.

Graph 3.15: Parents nowadays did not control and prevent what children’s is watching.

Based on the graph 3.15, the researcher found that the frequency for the answer “strongly agree” is 15 and the percentage is 25%. The frequency and percentage for the “agree” are higher than the “strongly agree”; with 38.3% for the percentage and the frequency are 23 respondents. The percentage for the answer “not sure” are also higher than the “strongly agree”; with 16 respondents for the frequency and the percentage are 26.7%. The frequency for the “disagree” are 3 and the percentage are 1.3 %. The percentage for the answer “strongly disagree” is 6.7% with the frequency of 4 respondents.

Graph 3.16: Parents should prevent their children from watching too much violent movies.

Graph 3.16 shows that 40% of the respondents strongly agree that parents should prevent their children from watching too much violent movies, the frequency that strongly agree are 24 respondents. Another 41.6% of the respondents choose “agree” as their answer and the frequencies of the respondents that choose “agree” are 25. While, the frequency for the “not sure” are 7 respondent and the percentage are 11.7%. The percentages of the respondents that choose “disagree” as their answer are 1.7% with the frequency of the 1 respondent. The percentage for the “strongly disagree” are 5.0%, a little bit higher than the “disagree” and the frequency are 3.

Graph 3.17: Parents should be aware of what their children are watching

Based on the graph 3.17, the research found that the percentage for the answer “agree” for question “Do you think that parents should be aware about what their children are watching” is higher that “strongly agree”; 48.3% and the frequency are 29 respondents. The percentage for “strong agree” is 40% with the frequency of 24 respondents. Meanwhile, the frequency for “not sure” is 5 and the percentage is 8.6%. The percentage for “strongly disagree” is 6% with the frequency of 2 respondents.

Graph 3.18: Parents should limit the amount of movies viewing (per day)

Graph 3.18 shows that the highest percentage with 40% of the respondents strongly agree that parents should limit the amount of movies viewing (per day) with the frequency of 24 respondents. While, the frequency of the respondents that choose “agree” are 23 and the percentage are 36.7% but there are also some of the respondents choose “not sure” with 16.7% and the frequency are 10 respondents. The percentage and the frequency of “strongly disagree” are higher than “disagree”. The percentage of “strongly disagree” is 6% with the frequency of 3 respondents. Meanwhile, the percentage of “disagree” is 1.7% and the frequency is 1.

The purposes of this study are to identify the effect of violent movies shown on Home Box Office (HBO) towards children’s attitudes. There are three main research questions in this research. First, how violent movies shown on Home Box Office (HBO) can influence children attitudes on the aggression? Secondly, how violent movies shown on Home Box Office can influence children’s attitudes on violence imitation? Lastly, how violent movies shown on Home Box Office (HBO) promote rudeness? These researches are using survey as the method.
Therefore, questionnaires are used as its instrument tool to do the survey and to collect all the data that are related to this research. The questionnaires are handed down to the respondents that whoever is available. These research findings showed that a violent movie does give an affect to children’s. According to Barbara J. Wilson (2008), children are more likely to imitated observed behaviours that are rewarded than those that are punished. Children also imitated behaviours that produce no consequences. (Refer to chapter 2: Literature Review: 7.3 Imitation)
According Haejung Paik and George Comstock (2005), the effect of television violence on aggression also varied with age: the effect was greatest on preschool children younger than six. The effects are slightly larger on boys than on girl. (Refer to chapter 2: Literature Review: 7.4 Physical Aggression)
On top of that, the questionnaires that are handed down to the respondents showed that most of the respondents agree that violence movies really give a big effect towards children’s attitudes; aggression, imitation and rudeness. Even, the respondents also agree that by watching too much violence movies can also affect children’s mental development and health.
From a theoretical perspective, this research supports a theory of cultivation theory on television and movies contain too much violence. According to George Gerbner and Larry Gross of the University of Pennsylvania, children who are exposure to television genres that tend to be violent may have an impact on the social reality beliefs a person holds as an adult.
The present study is a general investigation on the effect of violence movies shown on Home Box Office to children’s attitude. The study was carried out to find out if violence movies that shown on HBO can give an effect to children’s attitude. It was proven that violence movies shown on HBO can an effect on children’s attitude on aggression and rudeness when with 45% as the percentage and the frequency is 27. The other 25 respondents choose strongly agree with the percentage of 41.7%. While the percentage of respondent that choose not sure as the answer is 6.7% with the frequency of 4 respondents and another 3.3% of the respondents choose disagree and the frequency is 2. The other 2 respondents choose strongly disagree with the percentage of 3.3% respondent.
Secondly, the present study was carried out to identify that violence and aggressive movies attract children more than cartoons. It was identified that the respondents strongly disagree have the same frequency of 8 people and the percentage is 11.7% for each answers. Meanwhile, the percentage of respondents that choose disagree is 15% with the frequency of 9 respondents.
The study has proven that violence movies shown on HBO bring negative impact to children’s attitude. Children’s itself have a bad perception towards the violence movies shown on HBO and imitated the violence characters that shown on HBO. A violent movie shown on Home Box Office (HBO) can affect children’s attitudes such as aggression, imitation and rudeness. Aggression is behaviour, or a disposition, that is forceful, hostile or attacking. Children nowadays they do what they seen. They imitate what other had done. Imitation is an advanced behaviour whereby an individual observes and replicates another 's. There also rudeness. Rudeness is verbal abuse of people who are not in a position to respond.
Movies are one of the reasons why the children attitudes change. Children cannot really distinguish watch and see every movement that the actor or the actress done. Violence that is presented as sanitized or glamorized poses are much greater risk of adverse effects on children than violence that is presented with negative outcomes such as pain and suffering for its victims or negative consequences for its perpetrators.

For example, Children begin to believe that violence doesn’t really hurt others. Kids feel that if they copy the criminal they will be a hero, too. The hero that commits the crime is glamorized. There is nothing heroic about violence and it is wrong to show kids that it is. Children begin to think of criminals as powerful role models.
Children of young ages are easily influenced by what they see and hear. Many parents out there feel children are not influenced by what they see or hear on movies but there are some parents that feel their children are easily influenced by what they see.
Movies can corrupt a mind of a child by making them think that violence is a way to solve their problems. Movies have some sort of conflict involving the protagonist. To resolve the clash, some characters use violence to solve the clash. After a child views a character on movie solve his or her problem with violence, the child will assume that he or she can act in the same manner to get rid of their problem.
So it is essential for parents to monitor the media content their children view and find attractive. Such parental involvement is arguably more important than establishing rules about how much time children can spend watching movies or playing video games. Guiding children’s media choices and helping children become critical consumers of media content can foster the pro-social benefits of spending time in front of a screen while preventing some of the risks.

The next research that should be conducted is a detailed study on the effect of the violence movies towards children’s health and mental development. The purpose of this study is to understand how violence movies can affect children health and their mental development as they growing up as teenagers.


The effect of violent movies shown on Home Box Office (HBO) ASTRO towards children’s attitudes
Section 1 Please answer the question given. 1. State your gender

a. Male b. Female

2. State your age

a. 20 – 30 b. 30 – 40 c. 40 – 50

3. Profession

a. Executive b. Young executive c. Student

For the following questions, tick accordingly in one of the boxes for each question. 4. | Do you have a child or a sibling that age 15 and below? | YES | NO | 5. | Do you have ASTRO in your home? | YES | NO | 6. | Do you purchase Home Box Office (HBO) movie channel? (skip if you answer NO in number 5) | YES | NO | 7. | Do you always watch movies on Home Box Office (HBO) channel with your children or your siblings? | YES | NO |
Section 2: Violent Movies Circle the answer where applicable. 1 – Strongly agree 2 – Agree 3 – Not sure 4 – Strongly disagree 5 – Disagree

8. Do you think that violent movies can affect children’s attitudes on aggression and rudeness?
1 2 3 4 5

9. In your opinion, did violence and aggressive movies attract children more rather than cartoons?
1 2 3 4 5

10. Do you think children will be misinterpreted the violence in the movies?
1 2 3 4 5

11. Do you think that the physical violent in the movies like kicking/punching will be imitated by the children?
1 2 3 4 5

12. Do you think the bully case that happen nowadays among the school children might be the effect from the violent movies?
1 2 3 4 5

13. Do you think movies are one of the reasons why the children cannot really distinguish good attitudes and bad attitudes?
1 2 3 4 5
14. Do you think watching too much violent movies can affect the children mental development and health?
1 2 3 4 5

Section 3: Preventing

15. Do you think parents nowadays did not controlling and prevent what their children is watching?
1 2 3 4 5

16. Do you think that parents should prevent their children from watching too much violent movies?
1 2 3 4 5

17. Do you think that parents should be aware about what their children are watching?
1 2 3 4 5

18. Do you think parents should limit the amount of movies viewing (per day)?
1 2 3 4 5


• American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (2012), Understanding Violent Behaviour in Children and Adolescents. Retrieved 9 October 2012, from

• Ed Donner (Jun 14, 2011), Ways for Parents to Stop Media Violence in Children, Retrieved 9 October 2012, from

• Dianne S. O 'Connor (2011), Aggressive Behaviour Children. Retrieved 9 October 2012, from

• Barbara J. Wilson (September 2008), Journal Issue: Children and Electronic Media. Retrieved 9 October 2012, from

• Wendy Simons (December 3, 1998), the Payne Fund Studies. Retrieved 9 October 2012, from

• Prasanthi C (January 27, 2009), Impact of Movies on Children. Retrieved 9 October 2012, from

• John P. Murray, Ph.D. (1995), Television Violence and Its Impact on Children. Retrieved 9 October 2012, from

-End of Document -

References: • American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (2012), Understanding Violent Behaviour in Children and Adolescents. Retrieved 9 October 2012, from • Ed Donner (Jun 14, 2011), Ways for Parents to Stop Media Violence in Children, Retrieved 9 October 2012, from • Dianne S. O 'Connor (2011), Aggressive Behaviour Children. Retrieved 9 October 2012, from • Barbara J. Wilson (September 2008), Journal Issue: Children and Electronic Media. Retrieved 9 October 2012, from • Wendy Simons (December 3, 1998), the Payne Fund Studies. Retrieved 9 October 2012, from • Prasanthi C (January 27, 2009), Impact of Movies on Children. Retrieved 9 October 2012, from • John P. Murray, Ph.D. (1995), Television Violence and Its Impact on Children. Retrieved 9 October 2012, from -End of Document -

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    Cutler, Maggie: Research on the Effects of Media Violence on Children Is Inconclusive". Is Media Violence a Problem? James D. Torr, Ed. At Issue Series. Greenhaven Press 2002…

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    Violent Media

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    Cited: Adams, Nicole. “How TV Violence Affects Kids.” Livestrong. 20 July 2012. Web. 10 Nov.…

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    Brett, Brown, and Bzostek examine the violence in children lives. Question them if media is really the cause of violence or do they come from homes that are violent. The article discusses that half of the reports where were from their own homes. For example, “In 2001, 903,000 cases of child abuse and neglect were reported to and substantiated by child welfare authorities” (4). Half of the other reports state the article were not reported, which some cases it’s mostly common. Violence in homes can sometimes be learned by children and then later used in school. For example, “In 2001, one-third of all high school students reported being in a physical fight within the last year” (7). The article question if media was the cause for the violence the writers report that the violence occurred when they watch TV, or play violent video games. What could really be the cause the violence in children in today’s world?…

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    Bibliography: Anderson, Craig A., et al. “The Influence of Media Violence on Youth” Psychological Science in the Public Interest 4.3 (Dec., 2003): Web. 15 Nov. 2009…

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    More than 1,000 studies on the effects of television and film violence have been done over the past 40 years and the majority of these studies have the same conclusion: television and film violence leads to real-world violence (United States 2). The average 7th grader watches about 4 hours of television per day, and 60% of those shows containg some violence (United States 4). A prime source of these violent images is TV news, which happens to be America 's number one sourse of news and information (Steyer 73). Most local television newscasts are dominated by killings, assaults, kidnappings, terrorist attacks, and other stories designed to provoke a strong emotional reaction from viewers (Steyer 73). In the recent years, Hollywood 's growing taste for grotesque, graphic fare has upped the stakes, from Friday the 13th to Creepshaw and Scream (Steyer 73). Even though these movies are not meant for small kids, it is a fact that young children are often regularly exposed to them in the company of unthinking par-…

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    Tv Violence Sociology

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    Question#2: How the nature and frequency of violence in television programs and movies effects socializing and being socialized.…

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    References: Anderson, C. A., Berkowitz, L., Donnerstein, E., Huesmann, L. R., Johnson, J. D., Linz, D., Malamuth, N. M., & Wartella, E. (2003). The influence of media violence on youth. Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 4(3), 81-110. Doi: 10.1111/j.1529-1006.2003.pspi_1433.x…

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    How often do children hear, see, or talk about violent television? Could it possibly be a factor in how aggressive or desensitized these children become? Surely anyone who has access to the news has seen the recent exponential growth in violence throughout the world. It is interesting to note that this growth and the massive production and display of media violence have occurred simultaneously. According to W. James Potter, Professor of communication, the two are correlated. The purpose of this paper is to analyze and critique Professor Potter’s research by identifying and explaining three flaws and one strength that are apparent in his published article, and to share personal beliefs regarding this matter.…

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    Restricted Teens

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    Surette, Ray. "The Promise and the Reality: Peddling Violent Entertainment to Children." World & I Apr. 2001. SIRS.…

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    12. ^ Wartella, Ellen, Oliveraz, Andrana and Jemings, "Children and Television Violence in the United States" in McQuail 's Reader in Mass Communication Theory, ed. Denis MMcQuail (London: Sage, (2002) [1998]). p. 398–405…

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    Media Violence

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    Hunt, Arnold. " 'Moral Panic ' and Moral Language in the Media." . N.p., 1997. Web. 2…

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    Without a doubt, the contents of today’s media are constantly on display for any man, woman, or child to see. Specifically, television, bringing the violent filled news and movies to any home with an open outlet. The homicide rate has doubled after television was introduced in the U.S. (Faria, 2013) Exposure to this form of media and the glorification of violent behavior on television has a great influence on society. Another factor to consider when reviewing the…

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    Kikorian, H. L., Wartella, E. A., & Anderson, D. R. (2008). Media and Young Children 's Learning.. Future of Children, 18(1), 39-61. Retrieved from…

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