
Freedom Should Be Restricted Essay

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Freedom Should Be Restricted Essay
Life does not always give things, but freedom is a guarantee given. Freedom should give many opportunities. Opportunities are mostly earned. Freedom is not to be taken away. Freedom is to be taken advantage of. Freedom gives power to speak against or with anything. Freedom should be restricted because it’s a given right, unjust, and it will start a controversy. First, trying to silence people will only just make them louder. For example, Lui in “Ideas cost peace prize winner freedom”. They have tried to silence man for 11 years. “Lui is serving 11 years in prison.” (Ideas cost peace prize winner freedom). Lui moved to the U.S and got a louder voice for his story. In the words of the clergy letter tried to do the same by telling them to stop their protest. The only thing that happened is that they have gotten louder by making the president hear about this problem. The media were also on kaepernick for kneeing in what he believed in. “bring shame.” (In the ‘land of the free,’ are you free to sit out the national anthem?) Was what …show more content…
That is how it has been there was so much hate that Martin Luther King got to his protest. One day the clergy wrote a letter, which Martin Luther King saw while he was in jail. Martin Luther King was not happy on seeing on what they wrote about the protest. “We farther strongly urge the Negro community to withdraw support from their demon striation.” Martin Luther King responded on correcting them on their wrongs and showing them the truth. Lui was also made the Chinese government in the wrong for imprisoning him. “He was arrested for 10 years” (Ideas cost peace prize winner freedom). The act that kaepernick did was that he kneels down and to stand for what he believed in. “shaming” (in the ‘land of the free,’ are you free to sit out the national anthem?). The media was going against him. Showing people, the wrong for an act or protest will motivation get them to

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