
Examples Of Savagery In Lord Of The Flies

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Examples Of Savagery In Lord Of The Flies
Humanity Reverting to Savagery Through Isolation
The evolution of society and civilization has modernized the idea of humanity. Society and the people within it are affected by comely social customs. They require humans to act a certain norm, and it takes humans away from their natural instincts. However, withdrawing from society and having a lack of civilization leads humans back to their once barbaric behavior. Lord of the Flies demonstrates how isolation from civilization and society results in the concept of humanity returning to savagery.
Mob mentality within the small group of boys affected their actions towards one another in Lord of the Flies. The concept of peer pressure is exemplified by boy’s actions. In the book, Jack exclaims,
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When the boys were on the island, they began to efface one another because they were predisposed to savagery. As stated above, the boys killed Simon because they thought he was the beast (page 153); they submissively pushed a boulder down the mountain of Castle Rock as well, and “Piggy fell forty feet and landed on his back across the square red rock in the sea. His head opened and stuff came out and turned red. Piggy’s arms and legs twitched a bit, like a pig after it has been killed...Piggy was gone” (Golding 181). Due to their actions, the boys’ survival on the island is limited and is prone to extinction. Humanity is driven by society, but when humans become malignant towards society it affects civilization. According to MediaIte in the article “Fmr. NYPD Commish: Can’t Let People Act Like ‘Savages’ and ‘Animals’”, former police commissioner Bernard Kerik participated in protests in Ferguson and saying, “‘You cannot allow people to act like savages, you cannot allow people to act like animals’” (Wilstein). This further proves Lord of the Flies demonstrates how civilization recognizes barbaric behaviors and opposed as a threat towards society and humanity. Primitive actions are present upon humans that are put in extemporaneous situations of survival, and this is represented in Lord in of the Flies because of the impediment of humanity. The Political Outcast in an article titled “The Thin Line Between ‘Civilized’ and ‘Savage’” demonstrates that “...if you start taking away things from an affluent society, you soon begin to see the thin line between paradise and purgatory” (Minkoff); a National Geographic article called “Your Brain Is Hardwired to Snap” states that “...circuits of rage play out in society, nations, and groups of people” (Worrall). The statements above relate to Lord of the Flies because the boys on the

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