
Examples Of Atticus Finch's Philosophy In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Examples Of Atticus Finch's Philosophy In To Kill A Mockingbird
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The Philosophy of Life The character “Atticus Finch” in Harper Lee’s book To Kill a Mocking Bird is a person who is very mature and very wise. In this book he has a “Philosophy of Life.” Atticus’s philosophy is taught to his children in several different ways. He also teaches his philosophy to many other people. This philosophy of life is that one should not judge until they are in the other person’s shoes, meaning they should not judge the other person until they know what the person has been through in their life. Atticus’s philosophy is very wise. In Lee’s book, Atticus says “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view-” He also says “-until you climb into his skin and

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