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Imagine yourself being unable to walk, or see. You can barely breathe let alone speak. You had a well lived life up until now. But now you are in such unbearable pain you can’t even cry. You can no longer complete simple task on your own. You feel like your life has no meaning. You’re wondering if ending your life peacefully would be the answer. Well in all reality this is something none of us ever want to imagine, but this is a real situation for many people. These people should be able to have the choice between peace and suffering.
Euthanasia is defined by Webster’s dictionary as the act of practice of killing or permitting the death of hopelessly sick or injured individuals, in a relatively painless way. Assisted suicide on the other hand which is often confused with euthanasia is suicide simply helped or committed with the assistance of another person.
So you may be wondering why this drug should be offered to patients? One main reason is to relieve pain. What if you or a loved one is diagnosed with a terminal illness and the suffering is unbearable. Not only is the person in physical pain, but by watching their loved ones lose sleep, miss work, and in pain by watching you suffer, you could easily become depressed. I’m not saying euthanasia should be offered to treat all terminally ill patients, but it should be an option for those that would want it.
I believe we should have the freedom to do what we feel is best for our bodies. We have the liberty to decide our job, religion, and sex preference. So why not have the right to decide if we want to die peacefully or die in pain? Euthanasia gives people a second option, when they are left with a terminally ill disease and will be left to live a bad quality life. I don’t think spending the rest of your life stuck in a hospital bed, unable to walk, or unable to do anything at all is a high quality of life.
I purpose we take an example from a country that has legalized euthanasia. Belgium legalized euthanasia in 2002. A report from BBC news says, the pope that helped draft the law, views euthanasia as "recognition" that a dying patient in "constant and unbearable physical or psychological pain" should be "the only judge of their quality of life and the dignity of their last moments,". Belgium has strict regulations on patients wishing to be euthanized. Patients wishing to end their own lives must be conscious when the demand is made and repeat their request for euthanasia. They have to be under "constant and unbearable physical or psychological pain" resulting from an accident or incurable illness. Authorities have to ensure that poor or isolated patients do not ask to die because they do not have money for such treatment, and minors cannot seek the assistance to die.
There are many good reasons why euthanasia should be legalized. It should not be treated as the way to end all terminally ill patients life, but as a choice for patients. I think euthanasia is the patient’s choice, and should only be up to the patient to decide. Euthanasia should be looked as a cure for patients suffering from a terminal sickness, and should be treated with the upmost care of any medical procedure. Although euthanasia is a very controversial subject I believe it should be legalized, and have very strict regulations that follow.

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