
Character Analysis Of Aunt Alexandra In To Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee

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Character Analysis Of Aunt Alexandra In To Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee
The three most important conflicts in the chapters leading up to 15 were Aunt Alexandra moving in, the children's infatuation with Boo Radley with Atticus condemning it, and the town’s opinion of Atticus defending Tom Robinson. All of these have a major impact on the characters and the progression of the story
Aunt Alexandra is an important conflict in the book because, Alexandra's relationship with Scout is domineering, this is due to Alexandra wanting Scout to be a proper lady, even though their personalities are polar opposites. Alexandra also causes drama within the Finch household putting Atticus up to the task of talking with Scout, which makes her cry. “For no reason I felt myself beginning to cry, but I could not stop. This was not my father. My father never thought these thoughts, My father never spoke so. Aunt Alexandra had put him up to this” (Lee 134). I think this shows that Alexandra will develop into a problem later in the book because her personality makes it seem like she is one that creates drama.
The children have an unhealthy obsession with Boo Radley which Atticus condemns. Although Boo Radley doesn’t care about the children bothering him, even showering them with gifts and fixing Jem’s pants, Atticus believes that the children’s games
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Since racism is present in the time period and region they believe that Atticus is a “N***** Lover” and other insults. People have also attacked him such as the Cunninghams, and Scout has received remarks from kids at school this creates a problem because some people will want to start picking fights with Atticus and his children. It also brings bad to the family name in the public’s eyes so they will lose some credibility with the townsfolk. I believe that if Tom Robinson wins the case, Atticus will experience a lot of backlash and

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