
Camp Wakeshma Narrative

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Camp Wakeshma Narrative
English II
September 6, 2017
Camp Wakeshma
It was an extremely hot and humid morning in Three Rivers, Michigan as the extremely loud bugle reveille played over the speakers. I thought to myself, “It can’t be 6:30 A.M. already.” As my cabin mates and I sleepily made our way out of our bunks to the lodge,1 for breakfast and fecto-glen. Carly from Canada leaned over to me and whispered “I’m never going to get used to waking up military style!” “Same here.” I replied still half asleep.
After breakfast I made my way back up the hill they called the Black River to my cabin to get ready for morning training.
“Hey!” Rye yelled. “What are we training on first this morning?”
Julia replied “trampoline.”
“Oh, great.” I replied sarcastically, “I sure hope Joy isn’t coaching this morning. She really never lets us work on our harder skills.”
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We were happy to see that it was Sugero coaching us that morning.
“Today we will be drilling and practicing out twisting skills” Sugero said, “ I want four lines starting with timer jumps.” he said over the chattering.
As the morning practice was almost over I stood by the trampoline looking at Lake. I was so happy I got in. I remember the way up here my mom was telling me how there was about one hundred kids on the waiting list.
During free time I got the opportunity to go on Dr. Drew’s pontoon on lake wakeshma with my cabin mates julia, carly, and aubree. “I’m so excited!” exclaimed aubree “I haven't gotten to do this

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