
Applications of seven habits by Steven Covey

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Applications of seven habits by Steven Covey
Reflections and applications: 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Steven Covey)

This classic best seller for management, organisations and personal development encapsulates

Steven Covey's research on 200 years of success literature since his doctoral program. It is perhaps

the most influential book for managers and organizations to learn the Seven Habits of Highly

Effective People, as the title suggest. It begins with the concept that people perceive the world

differently, and we form our own paradigm - how we view the world with our own unique "lens".

Covey explains that paradigms are the source of our attitudes and behaviours. Part of achieving

insight involves making a "paradigm shift" which causes us to perceive things differently. Our

paradigms will affect how we interact with others, which in turn will affect how they interact with

us. Covey argues that any effective self-help program must begin with an "inside-out" approach,

rather than looking at our problems as "being out there" (an inside-out approach). We must start by

examining our own character, paradigms, and motives.

Hence, character and principles are keys to success, effectiveness, and happiness in life. The Seven

Habits of Highly Effective People points out: "Principles are guidelines for human conduct that are

proven to have enduring, permanent value."

The seven habits divided into two main groups: private victory (independence) and public victory


Habits of Independence:

Habit 1: Be Proactive

We must use our resourcefulness to work toward our personal goals. Everyone has both a circle of

influence and a circle of concern. Worrying endlessly about things outside of our circle of influence

isn't particularly productive. Working within our circle of influence is productive. Further, the more

effective we become, the more our circle of influence will expand.

Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind

What do we want people to say about us

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