
Abortion Political Views

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Abortion Political Views
Abortion is a big controversial topic in the media and politics. The abortion issue is very controversial because it causes may people to disagree with other’s opinions. One side of the debate is that the woman should have the choice to decide what she wants to do with her body, this is known as pro-choice. The other side of the debate is that people believe that abortion is wrong and the unborn baby has the right to live, this is known as pro-life. However, pro-choice supporters believe that this falls under the right to privacy. The right it privacy is the “right to be left alone, which has been interpreted by the Supreme Court to entail individual access to birth control and abortions” (Ginsberg pg. 143). Pro-choice supporters feel …show more content…
These views include, right to life, state decision, and pro-choice. People who support right to life believe that the government has a responsibility to protect unborn babies. They believe that there is no constitutional right to abortion. Some supporters of the right to life would allow expectations in cases of rape, incest, or protecting the woman’s health. Some believe that the government should not have any involvement in the abortion rights debate. (Head) Those who support state decision believe that the state should have the decision on abortion rights. Head also said that not everyone who opposes abortion rights believes that the federal government should ban all abortions. Pro-choice supporters would argue that state laws that ban abortion, or pose an undue burden on women seeking abortions, are unconstitutional. …show more content…
Regardless of what Americans agrees or disagrees with, most people are concerned with the abortion issues. Pro-life and pro-choice supporters are constantly fighting for their beliefs. Pro-life supporters seem to be in the lead of the argument currently because of Republican President Trump. He is pro-life and is now planning to use his power to do something about the issue. History shows that people will always fight for what they believe is right, and until both sides are happy, they will continue to fight. Abortion has been a big issue in politics in the past, currently, and will most likely be an issue in the future. The controversy over abortion is something America is not taking lightly. Regardless of what someone believes, everybody has a viewpoint on abortion and because of that, abortion remains a controversial topic in

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