
A Cartoon Analysis Of The New York Times Political Cartoon

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A Cartoon Analysis Of The New York Times Political Cartoon
John Siliga
Composition II
Cartoon Analysis
August 15, 2014
Putting On A Show
For decades people have migrated to America from all over the world in hopes of having that beautiful home with a white picket fence and a yard big enough for two children and a dog. Today, people are still chasing that dream. They haven’t realized that the American Dream is merely just that, a dream. These immigrants believe that by coming to America their life will suddenly be better and easier. What’s worse is that President Obama and the government led the immigrants on by portraying the American nation to be a place where dreams come true and everyone is welcome. That is exactly what is being illustrated in The New York Times political cartoon, Undocumented Fun For Undocumented Children. Brian McFadden uses eye-catching colors, the southern United States borderline, and U.S. representatives to show how the U.S. government continues to act as if they are willing and prepared to receive more undocumented immigrants.
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Red and yellow are the two brightest colors used in the strip. Red is also a color known to cause a physical reaction within the human body. I believe the creator uses these two colors to highlight the most important points throughout the cartoon. For example, there is a large red stop sign with “STOP ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION” written on it. This seems to be the main goal and message that the creator wants to get across. Then, the creator’s main concern stands out four times in yellow and reads, “U.S. BORDER.” By using these bright and bold colors Brian McFadden is able to complete the first step in sharing his message by catching his readers’

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