
1984 By George Orwell: An Analysis

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1984 By George Orwell: An Analysis
In 1984, by George Orwell, the protagonist, learns,through his job at the ministry of truth, that everyone in the region of Oceania is slowly being oppressed and defeated by the government. This is true in many regards when it comes to individual rights. Throughout the story the protagonist, Winston, makes remarks like, “And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed – if all records told the same tale – then the lie passed into history and became truth. "Who controls the past," ran the Party slogan, "controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.” This quote exemplifies the background of the government. They know the strength words carry and that with just words alone many tasks can be accomplished. In the …show more content…
During the year 1948, a few major events that influence government occurred. The main event I think that prompted the release of this book, was the when the communists seized power in Czechoslovakia. I believe this context is the most important when George saw where Europe was headed in terms of government he related this fictional story to the modern ideas of communism just like he did with the book Animal Farm. In animal farm he personified animals to act like humans and made them like communists. This idea of government involved in the limitation of the people's rights is a common theme to his books. He makes these links to reality because this is a serious issue and getting to people through literature is one of the ways he connects to the people. George is not the only writer to fall under this category. Everyday on the news, newscasters with prejudice news against others, spread their version of the story, while the real story may be very different. Both of the previous views reflect a different representation of literature that can affect the general populations viewpoints on current global conflicts. While Orwell shares a bias view on communism and the media shares a bias view on everything, the real story may emerge differently. Although we may have absolute faith in our country in the coming years, even the United States may start to resemble Oceania with its lies and prejudice against other countries, and eventually the story behind 1984 may come

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